A Fixture
OK, so like I said - I hate having something out there that looks so incomplete. So despite the fact that it has that glossy newly painted look I wanted everyone to see the painted mantel. I said in my previous post that I planned to mix Prussian Blue and Ultramarine Blue but after experimenting for about five minutes ( and really, I think I knew this would happen) I wasn't getting the highlight tones that I wanted so in the end I mixed Prussian Blue with Indigo, both from W&N. So after applying the deep base color I proceeded to stipple mix Titanium White into the highlights to develop the first soft highlights that you will see in the larger rolling folds of the velvet. Right now the bust is drying under the lamps in the basement and I will continue tomorrow night with any crisp highlights needed in the blue mantel and start working the final highlights and shadows in the face.