Review Mikhail Kutzov from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all

I thought I would show you a release from Legion Miniatures in their greatest men series , this time we are travelling back to Napoleonic Russia and a soldier well known in Russian history

Michail Illarionovich Kutuzov
(1745 - 1813)
This is the box artwork by the talented Alexander Habas ( we will see more later )
A little bit of background on the subject he is considered to have outshone all other cadets at Artillery-Engineer School., a captain in 1764, appointed in 1770 Army Ober-Quartermaster , after this several other commands during which he was injured in the head , in 1815 he was involved in Austerlitz and the Russian-Turkish war of 1810-1812
During his service he was wounded twice in the head resulting in the loss of vision in one eye Kutuzov was appointed the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army 10 days before the Borodino battle, in the end of August, 1812, the severe losses caused Napoleon retreat slowly to the Berezina and the retreat from Moscow
Kutuzov's arriving to the village of Tsarevo-Zaymische
(the picture by Gerasimov)
For Kutuzov the war against Napoleon was finished when Marshal Ney with his troops crossed the Neman and left the Russian territory. But for Alexander I it was only the beginning. It was the old, constant and hopeless disagreement between the Emperor and the old Field-Marshal.
On his deathbed he was visited by the Tsar, who asked pardon for his attitude against Kutzov ...he agreed but said ..."will Russia forgive you "
On April, 28, 1813 M.I.Kutuzov died in the town of Bunzlau. For one and a half months the coffin with his body moved to St.Petersburg, before enteroing the city the horses were unharnessed and people carried the coffin on their shoulders to the Kazan Cathedral where he was buried solemnly.
Kutzov's decorations (Thanks to Martin Rohmann for confirming the details)
Sash of the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint George. The matching breast star is the one upon
Portrait of Tsar . with diamonds (there existed different versions), worn with the blue ribbon of the Order of St. Andreas (personal award by the tsar)
Breast Star of the Order of Saint George 2nd Class
Breast star with Diamonds of the Maria-Theresea Order (Austrian)
Breast star with Diamonds of the Maria-Theresea Order (Austrian)
Here are some books to look at​
Details of the release
Title: Mikhail Kutzov In Russian on the review box , part of "The Greatest Men " series

Reference: LMBT 097

Scale: 1/10th

No of pieces: 4

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: Alexander Bodunov

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A on the review sample but artwork has since been completed by Alexander Habas

Parts consist of just 4 the torso , head and the familiar 2 part base as in previous releases, parts were secured in bags and between foam layers

Legion KUTUZOV 003.jpg

Coming in the laser cut box as previous releases ,with pictures on sticky labels on top and sides, a useful storage box for those bits and bobs after you've completed the piece

Legion KUTUZOV 001.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 002.jpg


With just 2 main pieces ...prep could not be simpler remove casting excess/posts from under base of torso , sand away a fine casting line , drill to fit a support if you choose not to use the 2 part base provided

Remove casting post from neck lower edge and fit to position

Care point : The collar is quite prominant so be a little careful do not want to break the corner

That is it ...cant get much easier prep :)


Continued in next post

Lets look at the resin


The casting is very smoothly done with all the details being very well worked both in sculpting and with the casting lines not running into any of the details themselves

Uniform details are really very good beginning with the collar this sits away from the head and is sharply cast with really good corners and edging , around the collar we have oak leves , 2 sections meeting atthe rear

The neck is open as you can see , showing details underneath

Undercuts on the uniform edges is as I expect from Legion in scale and with good undercuts

On the shoulder heavy bullion epaulettes , with hanging twists all sitting naturally onto the shoulders . again casting has brought out these well , sharp edging again seen

You might know I do like a medal or two(y) ......well this is a treat to see a total of 5 cast as we see depicted in portraits , all are a pleasure to see and enjoy ...even unpainted , excellent definition on all , particularly of note is the small hanging picture of the Tsar on a well shaped ribbon ...on this you will have a nice challenge to paint a version of the Tsar ...use Alexander's artwork as a reference as well

Across the body the sash ...folds are really good folding and bunching at various points ...again a challenge here to paint the material of silk

Underneath a block of shaped resin that fits into the 2 part base with the neck area having a well formed cutout to take the head

Legion KUTUZOV 004.jpg

Legion KUTUZOV 009.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 005.jpg

Legion KUTUZOV 013.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 014.jpg

Legion KUTUZOV 007.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 010.jpg

Legion KUTUZOV 008.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 006.jpg

Legion KUTUZOV 011.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 012.jpg


Does this look like Kutszov ....absolutely in my opinion so a big pat on the back to the sculptor , hair is formed back with good textures , the aspect of the face is again really good , he has a full and fleshed out face again as we see in pictures

Ears peek out from under the hair with nostrils being a good shaping , mouth is held together , the thing that's most noticed in portraits is he is generally posed looking to his right , rear ...why because of the injured right eye , on the sculpt the eye itself is slightly closed so even painted it looks as if something isn't right with it

Fit to the neck area is as always easy and very secure

Legion KUTUZOV 020.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 015.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 016.jpg

Legion KUTUZOV 019.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 018.jpgLegion KUTUZOV 017.jpg


Consisting of 2 parts with the T piece fits onto the underside shaping with the circular part fits against the curve .....making this base:


These pictures are is the previous reviews here:

...but the base fits the same !!

Final Thoughts

This is a simple bust both to construct an paint as the great casting really brings out the details well , making painting easier , a challenge to paint the small portrait but care will pay dividends

No issues with the packaging and all parts are well protected and minimal prep is a keyword with Legion bust releases


As promised some more pictures of the box art by ALEXANDER HABAS , the first with the portrait in the background
kkkkby Alexander Habas.jpg

Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )

13002.jpg you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item and to you all for looking in

Happy benchtime
