Twelve poses, all of them static but they are intended for and make a pretty decent shieldwall as suggested HERE on PSR.
I haven´t painted them up as members of a Military order, I´ve got enough of those for now but there can never be enough arrow fodder. I went for made up stripes designs, cheverons and pales etc on thier shields.
Hello to Emilio thanks for following :-D
Hello to Arbal from Coloured Dust Blog. Some quite clever stuff there, for instance the "how to revitalise brushes"
At the moment I cannot add my blog to the followers lists at any blogs at the moment!!! What the heck is gone wrong now!!!!!
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I haven´t painted them up as members of a Military order, I´ve got enough of those for now but there can never be enough arrow fodder. I went for made up stripes designs, cheverons and pales etc on thier shields.
The bod second from the right. He hasn´t got baggy 16th century trousers ala Black Adder, it´s the padded Gambeson split
The bod on the right looks like he´s armed with a Falchion. without a crossguard. Although this looks wrong, I´m pretty sure I´ve seen Falchions without crossguards.
Additional Standard bearer converted from the Strelets Medieval crossbowmen set.
Hello to Arbal from Coloured Dust Blog. Some quite clever stuff there, for instance the "how to revitalise brushes"
At the moment I cannot add my blog to the followers lists at any blogs at the moment!!! What the heck is gone wrong now!!!!!
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