PlanetFigure Supporter
Hi to all:
As a subscriber to MM's web program, I wanted to share "my" review of the new Miniature Mentor video "The complete guide to photographing miniatures". I have downloaded many of their videos, some good, some not as good...this one falls somewhere in between. Be prepared! This is a lengthy video at 7hrs!!! Personally, I feel this could have been reduced to 3 hrs max if the photographer didn't try to explain every "purpose" of the equipment. They specifically tell you upfront that "this is NOT for the beginner", so why he goes into lengthy details about the basics is a bit confusing and takes up time.
If you haven't a 12MP SLR/Digital camera or higher, with a 100mm lens - don't bother to order this video. They state that the "tutorial is designed for any and all budgets", but they highly recommend a 12Mp (or greater) SLR/Digital camera + lens, and other items (remote release,$30 USD bulbs x 4) etc., and say that you can buy these items cheaply on eBay and at other online photo supply companies. It starts to add up when you buy the colored film diffusers, graduated backgrounds and the simple Ikea artist lamps with specific halogen bulbs. This is not a generalized video - it follows and teaches a very specific way to take miniature photos with this specific equipment. No light tents, no simple point and shoot or iPhone photography (see the close-up photography app Lumin at - it's so good it's sick!) Will I win awards for my photography, no, I'm a modeler and not a pro-photographer, and this gets me to the point. Unless you can afford the specific equipment that is suggested or can't process RAW files, or that you can't afford Adobe Photoshop CS5 or CS6 extended, this won't be of value to the "regular" modeler. If you want to take professional grade images of your miniatures for publication or HD web use, and are interested in experimenting with new techniques, etc. then by all means give it a viewing.
Miniature Mentor ( provides some interesting tutorial videos for the Fantasy painter. Of course, these techniques can be translated to historical figures, and I have found some of the videos worth the subscription fee, but not all videos have the same production quality do to the various painter's ability to communicate and the location of their studios. I hope this review helps out.
Tony S