A Fixture
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Model Cellar New Release for MFCA....MC12010 Roman Casca....200mm Resin....sculpted & painted by Gunnar Lindfors....It will be available at MFCA in Valley Forge.
"Planeteers" should stop by and introduce themselves</div>[/doHTML]
<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'>
Model Cellar New Release for MFCA....MC12010 Roman Casca....200mm Resin....sculpted & painted by Gunnar Lindfors....It will be available at MFCA in Valley Forge.
"Planeteers" should stop by and introduce themselves</div>[/doHTML]