from Mr.Luca Baldino main organizer
Hi all
the newses of the contest of Mountain St. Savino Show 2012
in attends to put the new site on-line internet:
The judges that have confirmed their presence are:
President of Jury: Fabio Nunnari.
Roberto Boschian, Andrea Terzolo, Luca Olivieri, Salvatore Lamonaca,
Andrea Iotti and Ugo Solvino for Italy;
Jean Francois Pierre and Thomas David for France;
Antonio Zapatero and Javier Gonzales for Spain;
Ben Komets for Germany;
Steve Reynolds for England;
Besides we have the privilege to introduce the 4° Italian Fantasy World organized in collaboration with "Legiopictorum" forum/comunità web fantasy.
Special Guest of this year; Alfonso Giraldes and Gustavo Gil for the painting; Alfonso Desiderio and Jaque Alexander Gillois for the sculpture.
Whit some painters and sculptors fantasy that will alternate during the demonstration.
To the next Luca Baldino