More releases from Mierce including a new Banebeast


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Jul 19, 2013
And a new round of releases, a veritable Roberto Chaudon tour-de-force, for this month including a new Banebeast!

Dark Lands and Bane Beasts

We're scaling back the releases from our Darklands: A World of War Kickstarter project this month - with just the four miniatures unveiled, for the Angelcynn, Fomoraic and Khthones - but to compensate for that, we've got the first BaneBeast for a long while to tickle your fancies!

The Angelcynn gain the remaining Duguth warrior, Cuthwulf; for the Fomoraic we have the mighty Vaak, the Moraine Beast; and the Khthones releases continue with the last Gorgonar from the unit of five, Iimiithi, as well as the awesome Pétroyos, Lískarchon. Lastly, but not leastly, we have the mighty Proteanc, Fickle Lord of Uroboros - a Phoenix Lord based on the equally fantastic Hrudinn!

Back to now: just like the last few months, thanks to us being busier than busy bees we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website of course.

Cuthwulf, Duguth Warrior


The fifth (and thus last) miniature of the five-man Duguth with spears unit, Cuthwulf may only be a warrior but he's a cracking miniature for all that. Cuthwulf, like all the Duguth, was sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from a concept by Des Hanley, and they are all fantastic miniatures!

Vaak, Moraine Beast


It's been a while since the last Fomoraic miniature was released, but happily Vaak heralds the first of a few miniatures for the Eye in the Ice over the next few months for we have Belech, Qaano, Aalvór and Maallolvór to come. Vaak is a Moraine Beast, a creature of ice and rock moulded by Baalor's warlocks, the better to destroy his enemies whilst throwing great chunks of ice at them. With a concept drawn by Stefan Kopinski and a sculpt by Roberto Chaudon, Vaak may look a bit odd but that's because he's totally unnatural. Watch out for a superb icy paint job by Sébastien Picque very soon!

Pétroyos, Lískarchon


Sculpted by Roberto Chaudon from a concept by Christophe Madura, Pétroyos is a Lískarchon, a leader of the Lískes and thus related to the Vasílísk, Mazikílías. Pétroyos can turn enemies to stone with one gaze, too, just like his mighty cousin... so don't mess with him!

Iimithi, Warrior of Khthon


Iimithi's concept was drawn by Christophe Madura and the miniature itself was sculpted by Stéphane Simon. With Vilthiss, Issithill, Mneriiss and Ufhilloss already released, that's the Gorgonar Unit of five now complete!

Proteanc, Fickle Lord of Uroboros


Speaking of long whiles, it's been almost a year since the last BaneBeast, N'nhohbr'hoth (pronounced 'nob-rot'), so we thought we'd better release something for the BaneLegions range. The addition of Hrudinn to Darklands gave us a bit of an idea, so we gave Roberto Chaudon (the sculptor of Hrudinn of course) to turn a raven-giant into a Phoenix Lord. The results, we think, are simply spectacular...

All of the releases above will be officially released on the 1st of March 2014, but you can pre-order them now from this very website to your heart's content!

Next month will definitely see the release of our incredible dragon, Angrislaug, and the frankly sublime Champion of Dis, Malacant, as well as three other miniatures... watch this space!