I have a dremal tool and would like to use it to lighlty sand a resin figure or minor imperfections (scratches etc) can anybody recommend which bit might be useful?
I use the cutting disk and gently on high power cut and sand away the acces of the resin, but be ware there is a lot of dust to inhale (ware a dust mask)
You may have better results hand sanding. I find using power tools on miniature figures to be a limitation. Cutting and drilling is as far as I go with a rotary hand tool. Working by hand with the right tool you can reach smaller areas and you can regulate the level of pressure needed for the job by touch. But, if you want to use your Dremel tool to sand resin, try using the flapwheel sanding bits. I would suggest using a finer grit at first to prevent damaging the surface. For a selection of bits, checkout this link: