For its first few years, eBay used to be a great (and fun) place to buy and sell, basically it was like one great big online car boot sale. Bargains were plentiful for buyers, rarities and even "grail" kits could usually be found, and fees for sellers were reasonable. You weren't even forced to use PayPal because eBay hadn't yet swallowed it up (many times I sent cash Dollar bills to the U.S. and Canada by registered mail and I always got my goods).
But that all changed once the suits and the moneymen took it over and turned it into a billion-dollar corporation with CEOs, stock market floatations and all that nonsense. It mutated into a cash-hungry, greed-driven monster that now bears little resemblance to the eBay of yore.
It seems to me that for some time they have been actively trying to get rid of the stash-thinners and attic-clearers (i.e. people like us), and are now interested only in the so-called 'power sellers' and online retail businesses because that's where the real money is. We are an inconvenience - a tickle in their corporate throat. Of course they always try to dress up their latest "initiatives" (aimed at driving us away) as something that will "improve the eBay experience" but people are not stupid. I still buy on eBay from time to time, but it's been a long time since I sold anything on there. It's just not worth it. I've increasingly found that once 'feeBay' have taken their cut, I'm almost giving stuff away, and that's not something I'm prepared to do any more.
- Steve