Jim Patrick
A Fixture
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<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]http://www.kitpic.com/is.php?i=26220&img=35002aweb.jpg' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]http://www.kitpic.com/is.php?i=26224&img=54001aweb.jpg' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]http://www.kitpic.com/is.php?i=26226&img=54002aweb.jpg' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'>
A new company releases a new line of resin bases. 3 resin bases to augment that figure you’ve been working on in 1/35th or 54mm. They include MBP 35002, Russian House (designed by none other than our own, Artur Miniszewski). It comes with 2 roofs so it can be used for a summer or winter scene. MBP 54001, Gate and MBP 54002, Castle Wall. Both 54001 and 54002 can easily be adjusted to 1/35th scale. All products are made of resin. More pictures will follow in the next postings.
Any questions can be directed directly to MBP by e-mailing them at:
[email protected]
<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]http://www.kitpic.com/is.php?i=26220&img=35002aweb.jpg' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]http://www.kitpic.com/is.php?i=26224&img=54001aweb.jpg' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]http://www.kitpic.com/is.php?i=26226&img=54002aweb.jpg' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='http://www.planetfigure.com/images/blank.gif' width='2' height='150'>
A new company releases a new line of resin bases. 3 resin bases to augment that figure you’ve been working on in 1/35th or 54mm. They include MBP 35002, Russian House (designed by none other than our own, Artur Miniszewski). It comes with 2 roofs so it can be used for a summer or winter scene. MBP 54001, Gate and MBP 54002, Castle Wall. Both 54001 and 54002 can easily be adjusted to 1/35th scale. All products are made of resin. More pictures will follow in the next postings.
Any questions can be directed directly to MBP by e-mailing them at:
[email protected]