MV's Mad Max Car Contest 2 - Winners!


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Jan 10, 2012

Road Warriors!
Wasteland Truck Drivers!
Mad Warboys!
Weirdo Enginners!

It is about time!
The Massive Voodoo Mad Max Car Contest 2 comes to its end. Raffa and Roman finished judging your entries this week and now are happy to present to you the results. Please check back with the random price pool and if you won something over here!

See the full gallery of entries here!

First of all,
we'd like to thank everyone who participated in the second issue of the contest.
We had three more entries than in issue one and overall were able to see 32 crazy and wonderful entries by you! We witnessed all your entries and we can say that all of you are winners, because we were able to see the fun you people had with this contest. Thank you for participating and the love you did put in your projects.

The big number of entries
in this contest is very special for us, as this contest is very special for those who participate, you. It ain't an easy competition, where you just enter a painted miniature and done. You had to convert a full car and put it in context to the Mad Max universe. That is why this contest ran so long to give you all the time you needed. We were happy about every single entry and cherised every one of them.

This contest is special
for another reason too: There are only three medals and therefor only three winners. Judging was no easy work you can believe this. Many thoughts were made, many discussions took place until we decided to celebrate with you the winners of this contest who will recieve these mediocre medals, sculpted by Raffaele Picca and painted by Roman Lappat:

from left to right: Silver, Gold, Bronze​

MV Mad Max Car Contest 2 Winners
Well, we judged and decided, how impressive your car is and which projects did impress us the most in overall aspects. Always looking on the aspect on how well the project fits in the Mad Max Universe. You all did a great job and we really had a though time judging your great entries, it was very close here and there but no without further ado here are the winners -
Congratulations! Clap! Clap! Clap!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #32
by Thomas

MV-MMCC2-Entry #19
by Marc

MV-MMCC2-Entry #11
by Jakob

... but, we are not done yet.
We got something special for you in collaberation with Putty&Paint.
These three winners will not only recieve the great trophies and the fame, they will also recieve a Putty&Paint pro account for one year. If you already got an account it will be upgraded to pro.

... still we are not done yet. Personal Favourites.
Raffa and Roman had their own personal favourites, beside the judging criterias and these two participants will recieve a Massive Voodoo Jungle Painter Shirt in their size, like the ones with the gorilla seen here!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #16
by Mathias

MV-MMCC2-Entry #20
by Marcello note for the winners!
Please write an email to mv(at) with your postal adresses and we get everything ready for you and ship in the next couple of weeks. For the shirts please write your size and color choice too. Also for the others, check if you have won something in the random prize pool!


We are still not done yet ... :)
Definatly we can say that judging this contest was one of the hardest things we judged so far, because of all your cool entries. To say proper thanks, Raffa and Roman sat down and wrote some lines of feedback to each entry:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #01:
Roman: Really cool work on this car. Fits wonderful to the new Mad Max Movie and looks just straight out of it. Boom Sticks! Boom! Warboys! Witness! The work could have been done with more care and the painting lacks a little bit of interesting areas, compared to other entries.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #02:
Raffa: The scene is a little too busy, it is hard to see on the first look what exactly is going on. After understanding what is happening I still don't really see why the car is hitting a pillar. Is it an accident? Is it on purpose? It would help if the story of the piece would be easier to recognize.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #03:
Roman: A powerful build car. You can feel the horse power by just looking at it. Painting wise it is nice, conversion wise it misses a little bit more Mad-Max-Feeling. Somehow.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #04:
Raffa: I really like the design, very simplistic and straightforward.
What I think could have been done better are the different scales that sometimes don't really match together very well. Like the front of the truck that looks like it has been taken from another model with a different scale.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #05:
Roman: This blew my mind when I saw it for the first time. So much dynamic, dust and action going on. Cars look like out of the movie, cool setting and even a flying Warboy, yelling "CHROME"! What more can you ask for? Well, we witnessed this great piece and the fun the participant had with it, but compared to other entries it did not make it to the top. Still a lovely entry!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #06:
Raffa: Fantastic and impressive piece! Painting is top notch and the scene looks alive and very mad-maxish. I would have loved to see the Brutus receiving much more conversion work...
Armored windows, armored tires, spiky shield protected back, etc.
Also it would have looked fantastic to put the big totem ON the Brutus, like a driving totem to support moral.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #07:
Roman: Simple and straight forward design, which works pretty well. We missed a little more detail here and there, for example armour or fixation for the barrel on the back.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #08:
Raffa: This entry hit the feeling of Mad Max right on the head. Love the color, mud, everything.
Maybe some more defenses or weaponry would have made this car even more frightening.
Also a base and adding some small scenery would have definately helped to transport this muddy feeling.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #09:

Roman: I really like this one. So much style in the choice of car and color choices. Really like the attention to detail here, like the driver conversion, the tally sheet. This car looks so in use and the driver like a true madman, what I miss here and there are small repaired areas on the car. A little more love. A really cool piece, definatly. Unfortanetly it did not make it to the top.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #10:
Raffa: This piece works very nice, everything fits together, the painting could have received some more love and details. Also the truck could have made good use of some more details and for sure a big V8 or a fat engine. Some details to break up the big surfaces would greatly increase the level of detail.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #11:
Roman: This one is so out of the Mad Max Universe. Check the great conversion work going on here. Different car parts put together to form a solid monster. Placed in a simple, but dynamic way and truely effective. We loved the paintwork, all those different parts with the old graffiti and rust on it, the level of detail is truely beautiful. A well deserved bronze medal!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #12:
Raffa: Very agressive design and some crazy conversions going on here!
I like the scene but I have one little issue with it:If the car is jumping over his cliff, with this small spring deflection on the front wheels, the car is going to poke into the sand like a bullet :D
A bit more off road look on the front tires would help the car to look more functioning.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #13:
Raffa: A fantastic project! I love the overall workshop atmosphere. The tools, the building, everything has this special vibe. The choice to not give this a top 3 place was more a style choice. Everything looks a bit "tabletop" by the scale and thickness of most things.
I miss a bit the fine and fragile details you can sometimes recognize in the real world.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #14:
Roman: What a brutal car. This looks like a true weapon on the road and someone you do not want to mess with. A lot of details going on here, but somehow it lacks in a little more seperation in color choices to make it easier to understand and seperate the detail work for the viewers eye.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #15:
Roman: What an impressive sight. This truck rocks. Conversion- and paintingwise. A lot of details going on and love is put in all of it. This was a close call and while judging this entry walked a long way with us. The only issue was - just imagine this monster rumbling through the deserts, we had the feeling that he might lose half of the stuff on the first metres. Well, it does not look like a fast traveller, so we missed a little more brutal touch to it, armoury, weaponry to defend the slow travelling giant.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #16:
Raffa: I just love this piece, I also selected it for my personal favorite. Just the simple and effective raw look of everything... I am a big fan of top gear and the guy reminds me a lot of 'Stig'. That combined with the oldschool Golf is just pure win. The project is also impressing from the technical point of view but could make use of more armor, spikes and typical Mad Max things.
more survival stuff would also have helped to make this more than a crazy car.
Details like the steering wheel also bring a lot of life to the car.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #17:
Roman: A beast. Simple, effective. Details are done really well, but somehow it misses the madmaxish style in the looks. It could also be a really messed up beast from nowadays.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #18:
Raffa: It's great to see a little oasis of hope along with so many crazy brutal entries.
A very nice scene! The painting is good at most places but lacks a little bit on the figures.
Some more details and love could have been put into the base.
After all I have to say that I love the project, but seeing it in the Mad Max world I just feel pity for those people. I don't think they will stay alive long enough to spread to love they have in their hearts :(

MV-MMCC2-Entry #19:
Roman: This one is so powerful. I can hear its engines roaring. This Truck looks like a destroyer, something you think twice to attack or challenge. Wonderful detail work. It's front telling you that there will be pain and the Michellin guy tells that the driver got balls and knows how to use them. Supplies and personal character included. A well deserved silver medal.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #20:
Raffa: Simple. Brutal. Dark. I really like it! Very simple design, but very powerful shape.
Works very nice as a Mad Max car, I could totally imagine Warboys standing on the back of this truck. What I miss here are a bit of ornaments, trophies, boomsticks, things to make it more alive and more than a car.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #21:
Roman: A very funny entry. Not because I want to laugh at it, but because it is so different too many others. It does not look fast, it does not look very aggressive. It just looks so mean. Maiming slow running foes in its wake. Not like a bullet, not like a blade, but like a bull that is mean.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #22:
Raffa: This project looks like it was a lot of fun to do!
Very cool and crazy design. Sometimes I think that some more time could have been invested in making everything looks like it belongs together. On some parts you can still see that they were taken from "our world" and glued onto something small. It's very important to hide that to create an illusion of something real.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #23:
Roman: This is a crazy car. The exhaust pipes and engine looks ultrasized to show off its powers. Cool details going on and also armour and weaponry ready. The front tires could be a little higher lifted to keep it in balance when the engine roars loud.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #24:
Raffa: I love the overall comic look of this project and the idea of a driving home.
The painting really fits the style of the build and the base also fits very well.
I think for a Mad Max car it still misses armor, but it is mostly the style that, while making it look very unique and interesting, doesn't really fit into my idea of Mad Max, a dark and gritty world.
Anyway I really like this almost goblin/steampunkish idea of this crazy home on wheels!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #25:
Roman: I really enjoy this piece. The choice of chassis from this Oldtimer makes it stand out. Great presentation and a great feeling of Mad Max with the miniatures and conversion work. Attention to detail is sweet and the broken front glass is splendid. Compared to other top entries it missed final detail work. For example: Drill your guns!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #26:
Raffa: The design and execution is very nice, apart from some small things that I would love to see a bit more "used and abused" like the tires and the paint, the car looks nice!
The base is something that really got my attention and it makes this project look even more unique!
Like on some other projects it was more the style of the overall project that didn't completely fit into our view of the Mad Max world, different tastes. The work put into all the details is something we really enjoyed, so keep on driving!

MV-MMCC2-Entry #27:
Roman: Right out of the movie. A wonderfull piece, which followed us along while judging for quite the time. Everything seems to work on this one. The Flamethrower is connected and lovely boom sticks show that this fella is no joy to fight with.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #28:
Raffa: Also, one of my personal favorites! While you could say the vehicle looks maybe a bit too plain I totally get the Mad Max vibe from this. You don't need big armor if you are just fast enough and have a couple of boom sticks! All the enemy sees is a big cloud of dirt and dust!
Even when it is all about speed, some more ornaments and details wouldn't have hurt this car to make it look even more personalized. Maybe some different painted layers to make it look more interesting or if it is so rusty, some holes in the cars body?

MV-MMCC2-Entry #29:
Roman: Again, a true weapon. This looks like more being a tank than a car. The driver is relaxed, who would not be if this weapon is under your butt cheeks? Great conversion work (everything looks like build by the driver himself), detailed armour and tiny details round this up to a wonderful entry which also followed us a long way to the top while judging.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #30:
Raffa: Now this is a car that could have been taken straight out of the Mad Max world.
Very cool, fast design, everything is pointing forward. Great!
What I don't enjoy that much are the bits that don't really fit like the rocket launcher. Also while I love the inside, some more love could have been put into the small details there.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #31:
Roman: So much speed and fun in this one. With the flag in the wind it looks more like a remote-controlled car. A cool entry. What made us a little sad was the visible plastic pin. Why not pin the car from one of the tires to the ground to make the "jump" feel more real?

MV-MMCC2-Entry #32:
Raffa: I can't really say much about this car. It's just CHROME! It may lack armor but this HUGE engine will put some distance between any crazy fool trying to chase it and the driver of this beast.
The level of technical execution is excellent. The frame makes sense and looks like it was built by someone who knows how cars work. The owner of this car sure had a garage and some first class welding skills. Fantastic Job and a well deserved gold medal!


Now we are done!
We hope you enjoyed the contest. Thanks again to everyone who participated. We are sure we will have an issue 3 in the future. Please find the event linked up to MV's event reports for future days!

Contest organisation: Roman Lappat
Trophy sculpting: Raffaele Picca
Community Communications: Roman Lappat
Contest Banners: Roman Lappat
Trophy Painting: Roman Lappat
Judging Work: Raffaele Picca & Roman Lappat
Feedback: Raffaele Picca & Roman Lappat

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If you like to support the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale.

Vrrooomm!! Vrroooom!!

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