My first oil portrait - 2D


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Feb 1, 2004
I decided to shake things up and try an oil portrait on canvas. I chose to do Generalmajor Henning von Tresckow, Chief of Staff Army Group Centre and later 2. Army. He's one of the men I most admire in hstory. You will recall that he was played by Kenneth Brannagh in Valkyrie.

I was surprised how transferable my painting skills are between figures and canvas. I guess its not bad for a first effort given I've never had an art lesson. Its sort of folk art quality but I'm having a blast doing it. The portrait is still not done but its maybe 80% there.

The portrait is based on a famous photo of Tresckow, who committed suicide with a rifle grenade the day after the failure of Valkyrie.

"The whole world will vilify us now, but I am still totally convinced that we did the right thing. Hitler is the archenemy not only of Germany but of the world. When, in few hours' time, I go before God to account for what I have done and left undone, I know I will be able to justify what I did in the struggle against Hitler. God promised Abraham that He would not destroy Sodom if just ten righteous men could be found in the city, and so I hope that for our sake God will not destroy Germany. No-one among us can complain about his death, for whoever joined our ranks put on the shirt of Nessus. A man's moral worth is established only at the point where he is ready to give up his life in defense of his convictions"


This is brilliant Colin, the eyes are 'hypnotic' you can imagine what he's thinking.
Just one question is there a very subtle background, seem to see something on the upper left area.
If it's caused by reflection it might be worth painting something contextual almost lost in the darkness.
Thanks Derek - its just pure dark Sepia and a desk lamp reflection. I may do some work to shade and lighten various parts of the background as often seen on oil portraits, although I like the contrast right now. I may also paint the subject's name, DoB and DoD into the field in the upper left as one sometimes sees, particularly on early oils.

I think you're selling yourself short Colin. Looks very well done to me, I've seen less accomplished work in galleries.
Thanks to you both. I didn't know if I should post it here but it is the Lounge and its military at least. I plan to have a crack at sculpting a bust of Tresckow too but he is clearly going to be a pain to get right. Very subtle expression.
