Mycenaean heavy infantry


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Andrew Dalziel

Active Member
Mar 12, 2014
Until two weeks ago, I had no special interest in ancient Greeks!. However, the new El Greco Greek Mycenaean heavy infantry 1500BC rather took my fancy. No fancy pose, not an action figure, just standing there. But essentially it’s an exercise in painting bronze. Most of the figure is covered in bronze armour. Then some tanned face and hands and lower legs and ox hide for the shield. Maybe some contrasting stitching and the helmet plume. Easy, but not so easy.
So, it’s 75mm, costs £20.83. You need to select from three different shields and five head types with differing helmets. You get two heads of each type, bearded and shaved. Nicely cast as a 3D printing. The El Greco website will show you the options.
A bent spear that’ll take two minutes to fix and the resin is a tad brittle, I managed to break one of the plumes!. So it goes. Easily fixed.
Having no resources for this I bought the Osprey Bronze Age Greek Warrior title. Also a good excuse to go to the British Museum to see some real Mycenaean antiquities.
Hi Andrew!

Last weekend I was in Mycenae......
It is always nice to see someone having an interest in this period.
The model is based on a body armour which was found in Dendra , Greece.
If you don't have any references ,please allow me to suggest Peter Conolly's "Greek Armies" with super illustrations of a similar soldier.
Also find below some pictures that might be helpful to paint this beautiful model

13172551.jpg g3wu8imdsro31.jpg scan0002.jpg
I’m impressed!. Thanks so much. Nice how there’s always somebody who seems to have the information. A couple of years back I idly asked what type of chicken there would be in a north French farmyard in 1914. Low and behold I got details and options and photographs. So, thanks again.
Handsome figure of a favorite subject.No matter how many times I have visited the city of Nauplion ,where the Dendra panoply is housed in the city's museum,I never fail to to pay my respects to the Lord of Dendra each next time I am there.It's a pilgrimage!
Eager to see your rendition of this fine figure.

Hi Andrew - thanks for the review. Glad that you liked this 3D Print.
We just wish to give credit where it is due. The figure is actually 3D sculpted and licensed by Minormous Models. El Greco have a licence to print these miniatures for customers.
Will look forward to the painted figure - as you say, lots of bronze!!
Interesting kit based on sound archaeological evidence. It seems likely this guy would have been fighting from a chariot rather than as an infantryman, as the armour would have been too heavy to permit much movement. These warriors from the Trojan War period bore little resemblance to the stereotypical image of the "ancient Greek"!