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Hi all,
Using Andrea colours - what colours would you use to make a true Napoleonic red? Thanks in advance.
Kindest regards.
Donald, this question comes up probably more than any other in the hobby. It doesn't matter what you model, people always want to know "The correct shade of......." whatever. The problem is this. There is no "correct" color for Napoleonic Red. You can find different shades of red for soldiers standing right next to each other in their parade finest on a bright sunny day. Then you throw officers jackets in the mix (which would have been from a much better/quality material) and you see where the conversation is going? I won't even go into the whole field uniform/ how long has it been worn conversation. It doesn't take much to figure out where any conversation like this goes. In a short time. You open Pandora's Box and you can't get the darn thing shut. There's the long answer, now here's the short.......
almost any red will do. For arguments sake, start with Nap. Red straight from the bottle. Use flesh to highlight and a dark red brown the shade with. These will put you in the ball park
Jim Patrick
Jim's right - there's no one red used in the period and no one mix to match it were there only one.