Sculpt seems to be consistent with their existing line of pirates, which seems to be well represented both at the shows I attend, and at the ones for which we are provided images.
And not to be a contrarian, but I don't have any issues with the painted version shown here. I'm guessing this was painted under a deadline, but that in no way detracts from the presentation. I like the attempt at showing both the pants and coat in a well-used condition, and if there are glaring technical issues, as some seem to suggest, frankly, I'm not seeing them.
Have we reached the point where we expect each box art example to be the best possible rendition of a new figure?
I would guess that a manufacturer, especially of Andrea's scope and experience, would wish to strike a balance with its box art that encourages painters to buy and try, without placing the bar so high as to dissuade possible purchasers with a message that says "you can never paint this as well as the box-art artist".
I don't recall these comments about the other pieces in this line. Is this one really so inferior to its predecessors?
Anyway, I like the piece, and I predict that the "pirate fans" amongst us will purchase and paint many of these in the coming months.