New Darklands releases from Mierce


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Jul 19, 2013
Some new releases from Mierce Miniatures

September's Releases

So here we are, into the third month of releases from our Darklands: A World of War Kickstarter project (so that's thirty-three releases, including this lot) and these latest eleven include many wondrous miniatures, not the least of which are the quite amazing Norse raven-things Hrudinn and Gríminn, the bearded banner bearer Hywel Hir and the somewhat less elegant Torku, for the Ysians; but this month also sees the release of our first ever unit sets, for the Dyndraig, Tarvax and Srónax!

These unit sets ensure you can grab hold of a unit of monstrous infantry with a bit of a discount; for, basically, you get one miniature free within the set, which is blimmin' good value for money even if we do say so ourselves. For example, if you bought all of the Dyndraig individually, you'd spend £134.95; but the Dyndraig of Gwaelod set has an RRP of £99.99, a saving of thirty-five quid! How cool is that!

Now then. Thanks to getting the QuickStarter rules sorted, we've not had as much time to play with this month, so the release art won't be available for a while, and nor will their wordy descriptions; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website. These particular releases will be officially available on the 7th of September, but feel free to pre-order to your heart's content, as always!

Dyndreigiau of Gwaelod

So here's the first unit, for the Brythoniaid, and it's a big 'un and no mistake! The Dyndreigiau of Gwaelod ('Dun-drayg-e-eye of Gweye-lod') collects the five Dyndraig that are currently released - Galhwch Lladd Llaw, Naegannwg, Clundwr, Gwyddol and Mabyon - into one splendiferous set, and with effectively one miniature for free it's a bargain to boot. Sculpted by Roberto Chaudon, of course, from concept art by Christophe Madura, the Dyndreigiau really are stunning miniatures... and wait until you see what they can do in hand-to-hand combat!


Hywel Hir, Bannerman of Gwynedd
The last release for the Brythoniaid for a little while (Angrislaug the dragon will follow in a couple of months), Hywel Hir (pronounced 'How-ell Heer') is the Bannerman of Gwynedd; in other words, Cadwaladr's right-hand man as he bears the banner of Gwynedd into battle. Thus, he could easily be used as a host herald or, when we get the Brythoniaid infantry sorted, just a normal herald. Sculpted by James van Schaik from a concept by Stef Kopinski, we believe Hywel has the beast beard in miniaturedom.


Bellowing Tarvax
The second of our units to be released this month, the Bellowing Tarvax shoves the five superb Tarvax miniatures into one set, one of which is effectively free (which means it's a bargain, too). It includes Raackanasck, Kaastaruk, Bockaaruk, Inavaak and Piraack, all sculpted by Benoît Cosse from artwork by Stefan Kopinski. Just don't paint them red!


Roaring Srónax
Here's the last unit for this month - the Roaring Srónax, who look awesomely mean and moody in a unit and no mistake. There's five, one of which is effectively free, of course; and the set comprises Órorqaan, Qqolaan, Ucquraan, Rocqaan and Luqkaan, all sculpted by Allan Carrasco from drawings by Georges Clarenko. These guys look fantastic on the battlefield in one big unit, and they hit hard too!


Gurrir, Troll Warrior
Another fantastic sculpt by Allan Carrasco, Gurrir is the second of the three Troll Warriors to be released and thus eventually make a unit of five. With concepts by Stefan Kopinski, these guys are going to look superb on the battlefield - and they really hit hard, too...


Gríminn, Hrafnmann Champion
Stefan Kopinski's artwork for Gríminn (pronounced 'GREE-min') the Hrafnmann ('HRAV-n-man), amazed us, almost to the point where we thought a sculptor would struggle to realise him in three dimensions - but we needn't have worried, to be honest, because we gave a difficult concept to Roberto Chaudon and he absolutely slaughtered it without even breaking sweat. Roberto really is a fantastic sculptor, and Gríminn the raven-man is a fantastic sculpt created from a fantastic concept. Sometimes it's really easy, is this job!


Hrudinn, Valhrafn
There are very few words to describe how we feel about Hrudinn (pronounced 'HROO-din'), Valhrafn ('VAL-hrav-n'); quite frankly, it's so fantastic we think it's best just to give you a picture. Suffice to say, he's big and he's blimmin' amazing. You've got Roberto Chaudon to thank for the sculpt and Des Hanley to thank for the artwork, of course. So anyway, buy him if you like raven-giants - or, of course, if you'd like to use him in Darklands!


Mawgan of Carn Maen, Ax-Drune
...and so we reach the end of the Ax-Drune unit, for Mawgan is the fifth Ax-Drune warrior to be released! Sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from a concept by Danny Cruz, Mawgan of Carn Maen could easily play the guitar, judging by his pose - and thus, ironically, be an axeman. Enough frippery: Mawgan's an awesome miniature regardless!


Ennor of Carn Dinas, Bow-Drune
Drawn by Danny Cruz and sculpted by James van Schaik, Ennor is the third Bow-Drune to be released and he's just as good as the rest! We love the gewgaws and extra bits, and the pose too - he really looks like he means business.


Perig of Carn Wrach, Goad-Drune
Perig of Carn Wrach (concept by Danny Cruz, sculpt by James van Schaik) is the last of the Goad-Drunes to be released, unfortunately; and he's very characterful indeed! As you can see, he's probably poked a beastie a little too much, because all he's got left of his right arm is a stump above the elbow. That'll teach him!


Torku, Bone-Aberrant
Whoever bought Torku from our Kickstarter project got a real bargain, because when we eventually got the sculpt we realised she was quite a lot bigger than we first thought - and so had to double the original price! Even so, at fifty quid she's worth it, because she's huge, full of character and extremely nasty-looking (and you should see what she can do on the battlefield). She'll even look good without the ****s! Drawn by Danny Cruz and sculpted by Stéphane NGuyen van Gioi, Torku is the very definition of the word 'grotesque' - which is just how the Ysians like their beasties!


As we stated above, all of the eleven miniatures unveiled here will be officially released on the 7th of September 2013.

Early next month we'll be unveiling October's releases, which will include more Norse, the start of the Angelcynn and possibly even some Khthones. Keep your eyes peeled!

I can't underestimate how big Hrudinn is! Check this out for scale (the tiny little figure in front is a 30mm Beowa):

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