Hi Guys ,
As we know Linjo are from China which itself has a marvellous and rich history absolutely packed full of heroes and heroines , characters from their amazing stories that have been passed down through the centures , ie Lin Chong which I recently reviewed http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/lin-chong-from-linjo-models.46067/watch-confirm))
and of course beautiful members of the fairer sex like Concubine Yang http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/imperial-concubine-from-linjo-models.46404/watch-confirm
Now joining her is another beauty from the past , who is she : Wang Zhaojun
She was one of the four beauties of Ancient China and she must have been an amazing to see all the women in the emperor's harem .
Needless to say I shall be doing a full review on this lady but for now here are the details of the release and some pictures of the box art (look at all that red ...lovely) . depicted as in ancient pictures she wears a fur trimmed hooded cloak and holds a musical instrument(more later when I review folks)
Subject: Wang Zhaojun
Scale: 200mm
Parts: 13
Material: Resin
Code: LJ20020
Sculptor: Chunmei Zhou
Box Art : Hongwei Qin
As always contact Linjo for more details via the Linjo website at www.linjomodels.com
or contact them by e mail at [email protected]
...and watch the review section of PF
As we know Linjo are from China which itself has a marvellous and rich history absolutely packed full of heroes and heroines , characters from their amazing stories that have been passed down through the centures , ie Lin Chong which I recently reviewed http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/lin-chong-from-linjo-models.46067/watch-confirm))
and of course beautiful members of the fairer sex like Concubine Yang http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/imperial-concubine-from-linjo-models.46404/watch-confirm
Now joining her is another beauty from the past , who is she : Wang Zhaojun
She was one of the four beauties of Ancient China and she must have been an amazing to see all the women in the emperor's harem .
Needless to say I shall be doing a full review on this lady but for now here are the details of the release and some pictures of the box art (look at all that red ...lovely) . depicted as in ancient pictures she wears a fur trimmed hooded cloak and holds a musical instrument(more later when I review folks)
Subject: Wang Zhaojun
Scale: 200mm
Parts: 13
Material: Resin
Code: LJ20020
Sculptor: Chunmei Zhou
Box Art : Hongwei Qin
As always contact Linjo for more details via the Linjo website at www.linjomodels.com
or contact them by e mail at [email protected]
...and watch the review section of PF