New from Nemrod 54mm Tompettes des Chasseurs de la Garde 1809


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Apr 15, 2012
Hendaye, Spain Border, " Pays Basque", France
Trompettes des chasseurs de la Garde en petite tenue, Wagram 1809
What to say ?
A topic may be classic but not that much.
Anyway these figurines offer the possibility of multiple transformation
Artillery Horse Guard
Trumpets of Hussars
Trumpet of the Guard of Honor ...

And now, a little criticism
The Nemrod / Historex website
No information on the number of figurines, 2 or 3, they say 2 and in the picture there are 3 !!!!
On "Figurines", advertising indicates 3 figures.
No indication of the sculptor or the painter!
For the painter a priori it would be: Lydie QUEYROI
Is it Nemrod or historex, mystery!
Resin, plastic, or both, no information!
A redesign of the site would be welcome ....
But I admit to love Nemrod and his figurines, I buy them during the shows, there I can check all the information and see the quality of sculpture.
I will test the purchase remotely and I will post a thread to give you my opinion on the distance selling with Nemrod / Historex, as well as the quality of these new figures.
So see you soon;)
Nemrod designates these figurines as "Trompettes des chasseurs à cheval de la garde" I think rather than trumpets of artillery on horseback, but sincerely and according to my sources they are almost the same uniforms anyway!
Anyway it's not Keith Rocco who will contradict me ...;)


Fabulous little group.
I've always kind've ignored Nemrod for no real reason, but assumed they were like Historex in that they required an awful lot of work to look 'natural', but these fella's well they are a whole new ball game. Nice


That's funny, because I've always ignored Nimrod for the exact opposite reason. They aren't enough like Historex!
I like these three. The Historex site says 2 cavaliers, but photo shows three. Does that mean 2 basic Historex and one Nemrod or just 2 riders in the kit? Rather confusing or am I just missing because of my poor French?
I like these three. The Historex site says 2 cavaliers, but photo shows three. Does that mean 2 basic Historex and one Nemrod or just 2 riders in the kit? Rather confusing or am I just missing because of my poor French?

For information, in the last issue of the magazine "Figurines", an advertisement of NEMROD indicates 3 figures.
Anyway, I ordered the set, so I will test their sale remotely and I could give all the details on these figures.
I guess this will be like other Nemrod Napoleonics; a marriage of newly sculpted resin items and suitable Historex plastic components. Despite my protestations regarding size, too small for my ageing eyesight, these might just prove irresistible.

I have tried to purchase these direct from the site but there is no option to ship to the UK. I have contacted them via there web site but no one ever comes back to me

A great set but very strange marketing:
1. The uniforms depicted don't match the order of the day for uniform for the Chasseurs a Cheval at Wagram in July 1809 (source Edward Ryan's book).
2. The box art was labelled Guard Horse Artillery trumpeters 1813 (see below).
3. As already pointed out the website says 2 figures but shows 3 figures... which if true makes it more expensive than buying 2 single figures so it must be an error.

However, assuming it is 3 figures, it would be great value for money and a very colourful subject and easy to convert to other units. Don't be distracted by a labelling error, the Historex and Nemord ranges are a magnificent medium.


