Active Member
Hi all,
just been having a nose around on ebay and we have a possible new re-caster located in the UK... selling ripped off 1/35 and busts from life miniatures and youngs with a sprinkling from other manufacturers too. he's from Newcastle upon Tyne. maybe he's picked these up from another counter fitter from somewhere in the world and has decided to sell them off as he does not want them any more...…. giving him the benefit of the doubt first of course !! ……. or he's doing the dastardly deed and re casting. just seems too many for a mistaken purchase.
just been having a nose around on ebay and we have a possible new re-caster located in the UK... selling ripped off 1/35 and busts from life miniatures and youngs with a sprinkling from other manufacturers too. he's from Newcastle upon Tyne. maybe he's picked these up from another counter fitter from somewhere in the world and has decided to sell them off as he does not want them any more...…. giving him the benefit of the doubt first of course !! ……. or he's doing the dastardly deed and re casting. just seems too many for a mistaken purchase.