A Fixture
A fellow member of planetfigure (who wishes to remain anonymous at this time) has contacted me several times in regards to starting a retail Figure business that would both be accessible by online orders as well as through paper catalogs and regular mail-ordering. This new business would be established here in the Untied States. We have talked about the many pitfalls of being in the Miniature business and we both thought it might be a good idea to get the input of other planet members about some of these pitfalls.
There are so many periods of time and subject matter that the miniature world encompasses that it is hard to choose which companies to carry. So, we thought about doing a poll that we hope as many of the members as possible will give their thoughts on. This is a chance to give valuable input into what they hope to be an ideal figure company to do business with by carrying many different, but popular lines and keeping those lines fully stocked. So many times you call or email a supplier to order a miniature and he has to back order it because the distributor doesn’t have it (if he ever did-----but he still advertises he does). That is why this individual wishes to stay “small” and carry 8-10 popular lines that they can keep supplied as opposed to going “big” and offering everything on the market but then having to order the product as their orders come in.
What this person is asking of each of you is to give your input as to your own personal top two or three miniature companies and why it is you feel they should carry those particular lines. You may respond here on the forum or email them directly through the email account they have set up for this poll. Any and all comments are welcome and greatly appreciated.
Once again, the top two or three miniature companies and why you feel they should carry those lines. Post here and / or email them.
The email address is: [email protected]
There are so many periods of time and subject matter that the miniature world encompasses that it is hard to choose which companies to carry. So, we thought about doing a poll that we hope as many of the members as possible will give their thoughts on. This is a chance to give valuable input into what they hope to be an ideal figure company to do business with by carrying many different, but popular lines and keeping those lines fully stocked. So many times you call or email a supplier to order a miniature and he has to back order it because the distributor doesn’t have it (if he ever did-----but he still advertises he does). That is why this individual wishes to stay “small” and carry 8-10 popular lines that they can keep supplied as opposed to going “big” and offering everything on the market but then having to order the product as their orders come in.
What this person is asking of each of you is to give your input as to your own personal top two or three miniature companies and why it is you feel they should carry those particular lines. You may respond here on the forum or email them directly through the email account they have set up for this poll. Any and all comments are welcome and greatly appreciated.
Once again, the top two or three miniature companies and why you feel they should carry those lines. Post here and / or email them.
The email address is: [email protected]