New Retail Figure Business needs input


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
A fellow member of planetfigure (who wishes to remain anonymous at this time) has contacted me several times in regards to starting a retail Figure business that would both be accessible by online orders as well as through paper catalogs and regular mail-ordering. This new business would be established here in the Untied States. We have talked about the many pitfalls of being in the Miniature business and we both thought it might be a good idea to get the input of other planet members about some of these pitfalls.

There are so many periods of time and subject matter that the miniature world encompasses that it is hard to choose which companies to carry. So, we thought about doing a poll that we hope as many of the members as possible will give their thoughts on. This is a chance to give valuable input into what they hope to be an ideal figure company to do business with by carrying many different, but popular lines and keeping those lines fully stocked. So many times you call or email a supplier to order a miniature and he has to back order it because the distributor doesn’t have it (if he ever did-----but he still advertises he does). That is why this individual wishes to stay “small” and carry 8-10 popular lines that they can keep supplied as opposed to going “big” and offering everything on the market but then having to order the product as their orders come in.

What this person is asking of each of you is to give your input as to your own personal top two or three miniature companies and why it is you feel they should carry those particular lines. You may respond here on the forum or email them directly through the email account they have set up for this poll. Any and all comments are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Once again, the top two or three miniature companies and why you feel they should carry those lines. Post here and / or email them.

The email address is: [email protected]
I'll post my 2Cents worth.

I would like to see a dealer stock Seil Models figures. I have tried to order from several who claim they carry them only to hear them say "sorry....we don't have that one.

I would also like to see Pegaso carried by a dealer who will carry what they picture in their online catalog.

As figure bases are hard to get lately, I would like to see a good line of figure bases carried too.

my two cents.
I would suggest carrying Andrea miniatures, they are a bit high but have some beautiful stuff for sure. Pegaso, Soldiers, Elisena, Elite, Michael Roberts all have beautiful products. It gotta be hard to pick and choose!

As for bases, Epic Design from Florida is the up and comming base maker in the hobby. Greg's bases have really turned into nice, high quality and affordable bases, something to give Thomas Art's bases a run for their money.

As a sidenote:

Guy, VLS carries pretty much all of Pegaso's line as well as SEIL.
I agree with Stephen. Companies that I would like to see? Seil, Pegaso, Andrea, Elite, Metal Modeles Art Girona... generally companies that produce figures in regular basis (every month or so)... and not figures that you hear from them once a year.

I agree with Stephen. Companies that I would like to see? Seil, Pegaso, Andrea, Elite, Metal Modeles Art Girona... generally companies that produce figures in regular basis (every month or so)... and not figures that you hear from them once a year.
Also a couple of good Base companies would be great.
With all due respect, I think there is no problem getting pretty much any figure you want. The question I would ask is why should I buy from this new dealer?

In my experience, many painters are friends with the dealers they buy from. These dealers carry the major lines, transact business in person and over the internet, they provide excellent ADVICE and SERVICE if you have a question or a problem, and there is a fairly long history of satisfactory transactions. Some are painters themselves. I am pretty loyal to the dealers I buy from, and I would not be willing to switch just because there is a new guy in town. Competing on pricing may work for a while, but in the end a new dealer is likely to cut his own throat before anyone else's.

My advice would be that before beginning the business this person ought to be able to answere this question: "You should buy from me because I am unique and different from the other dealers because.... "

My Two Cents. Good Luck in whatever you do!
Most people have listed the standard ones, Pegaso, Andrea, Art Girona, Metal Modeles, Elite, Latorre etc. One company though that should definetly be carried is Alpine Miniatures. The figures are superb. I know they are limited to WW2, but to me that doesn't matter. They are just so well done.

I would agree with the other opinions; Pegaso, Elite, Andrea, Art Girona, are all excellent lines. I would like to see the addition of a few figures lines that cater to larger scales, like 75mm-120 mm. I recognize that the mentioned companies have lines of larger scale figures too, but I always check to see what companies like Pili pili, S&T and Micheal Roberts are releasing, as they always have high quality products representing a variety of periods and subjects.
Hi All

Well, the figure market is full of stuff now - more so than it's ever been. A lot of the major manufacturers deal direct on-line so anyone hoping to get a foot in the retail miniatures door has got to offer something extra special. Most of us have our own favourite suppliers and a few second strings for those awkward to get items. I wouldn't say that I'd not consider a new trader, but there's nothing I need/want I can't get as it stands at the moment.

I would agree with most of the foregoing suggestions regarding lines to stock, but if it were me, I wouldn't give up the day job. Nobody I know who's been trading has ever retired to the Bahamas on the proceeds. Most of them have a lot of grey hairs!

It goes without saying - good luck to you, whatever you decide!

I have to agree with Pat. I don't see a market for another figure company. The big three (Red Lancers, Sentinel, and Colorado Miniatures) seems to have literally everything, so why compete?

If I were going to invest my own money, I'd focus time and energy on discovering a new niche in the hobby. Maybe the question should be:

What new products would you like to see that are not currently available?
Thegoodsgt and PJ make excellent points. Also starting a business in miniatures is an extremely expensive endeavor. Extremely. I remember when Chuck ran his business out of his basement and only after years of building a client base did the store open. Your competition ( including Neil at Sentinel ) have it all over 'beginners'. Let alone competing with Squadron you also would have to compete with ebay.
The only way to a modicum of success would be to offer the miniatures at a noticeably reduced price. Especially the new issues which is something the 'establishment' does not do. Is it worth it?
If you work from a limited inventory you may have some success catering to an eclectic clientel. it worth it?