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The well know Italian brand ALARMI, had added 2 new WWI Italian pilots figures to their range.
Fulco Ruffo di Calabria
54mm, resin 2 heads
Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, son of Benjamin Tristano Ruffo di Calabria and Laura Mosselmann du Chenoy, a Belgian noblewoman, was born on August 12, 1884 in Naples. Joined the 11th Light Cavalry Regiment Foggia When aged 20 and went on to serve in Africa. In 1914 he Transferred to the Italian Air Service. Fulco's inaugural victory as a fighter pilot came on August 23, 1916 When He Brought down an observation balloon over the Austrian Tolmin in conjunction with fellow pilots and cabin Olivari. With the former Of These he established the 91st Squadron, the renowned 'Squadron of Aces', assuming command of the squadron with Baracca's death in June 1918. In recognition of His aerial talents - flying Nieuport 11, Nieuport 17 and SPAD S.VII aircraft - Calabria was Stephen Schwartz wins Richard prestigious Gold Medal Military Valour. After reaching 20 'kills' 53 aerial combats from Calabria relinquished command of the 91st Squadron after suffering a nervous breakdown. Deemed recovered he was handed command of 10th Group on 23 October 1918 but was shot down by artillery fire near Marano Within a week, Bringing His war to a close. Fulco Ruffo Di Calabria died on 23 August 1946, Ronchi de Apuania aged 62. By virtue of her marriage to Prince Albert in 1959, Ruffo di Calabria's Daughter Became Queen Paola of Belgium 1993
Francesco Baracca
54mm resin, 2 heads
Francesco Baracca was born on 9th May 1888 in Lugo di Romagna. Entered the Military School of Modena in October 1907 and in the time-frame of a year he reached the rank officer in the "Royal Piedmont Cavalry" (Royal Piedmont Cavalry). On April 1912 Shack joined the flight school in Reims and Begun training on Bleriot planes. He spent the immediate pre-war months in teaching as instructor (The first two years of WWI Italy was neutral). When Italy too Entered the war, victory came at His First year later, on 7 April 1916 When He successfully Brought down an Austro-Hungarian Hansa-Brandenburg CI over Medeuzza. On spring 1917 he was assigned to the 91st Squadron (The Aces Squadron) (1). Having established Himself as an accredited ace Baracca, he painted as a personal insignia in black prancing horse on the fuselage of His aircraft. After the war, Baracca's mother the gave the painting as a good-luck gift to Enzo Ferrari, who used this badge on His legendary cars since 1923. Having shot down His Last Enemy airplane on 16th June 1918 His career and life ended three days later When , leading a ground attack mission Solstice During the Great Battle at the Piave River, he was shot down by rifle-fire. His body was found a few days after the crash. A bullet hole was Discovered in His Head and the ordnance gun still hold in the hand. As reported by a letter sent to the mother, Shack was very feared by fire know, (this is only an hypothesis) he chosed the suicide rather than burn alive in His plane (two-incendiary bullets holes where Also founded on the fuel tank of His Spad). His 30th victory at World Soundtrack cabin was with the prestigious Gold Medal Military Valour
Sorry for the picture size figures, but I do not have others.
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Fulco Ruffo di Calabria

54mm, resin 2 heads
Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, son of Benjamin Tristano Ruffo di Calabria and Laura Mosselmann du Chenoy, a Belgian noblewoman, was born on August 12, 1884 in Naples. Joined the 11th Light Cavalry Regiment Foggia When aged 20 and went on to serve in Africa. In 1914 he Transferred to the Italian Air Service. Fulco's inaugural victory as a fighter pilot came on August 23, 1916 When He Brought down an observation balloon over the Austrian Tolmin in conjunction with fellow pilots and cabin Olivari. With the former Of These he established the 91st Squadron, the renowned 'Squadron of Aces', assuming command of the squadron with Baracca's death in June 1918. In recognition of His aerial talents - flying Nieuport 11, Nieuport 17 and SPAD S.VII aircraft - Calabria was Stephen Schwartz wins Richard prestigious Gold Medal Military Valour. After reaching 20 'kills' 53 aerial combats from Calabria relinquished command of the 91st Squadron after suffering a nervous breakdown. Deemed recovered he was handed command of 10th Group on 23 October 1918 but was shot down by artillery fire near Marano Within a week, Bringing His war to a close. Fulco Ruffo Di Calabria died on 23 August 1946, Ronchi de Apuania aged 62. By virtue of her marriage to Prince Albert in 1959, Ruffo di Calabria's Daughter Became Queen Paola of Belgium 1993

Francesco Baracca

54mm resin, 2 heads
Francesco Baracca was born on 9th May 1888 in Lugo di Romagna. Entered the Military School of Modena in October 1907 and in the time-frame of a year he reached the rank officer in the "Royal Piedmont Cavalry" (Royal Piedmont Cavalry). On April 1912 Shack joined the flight school in Reims and Begun training on Bleriot planes. He spent the immediate pre-war months in teaching as instructor (The first two years of WWI Italy was neutral). When Italy too Entered the war, victory came at His First year later, on 7 April 1916 When He successfully Brought down an Austro-Hungarian Hansa-Brandenburg CI over Medeuzza. On spring 1917 he was assigned to the 91st Squadron (The Aces Squadron) (1). Having established Himself as an accredited ace Baracca, he painted as a personal insignia in black prancing horse on the fuselage of His aircraft. After the war, Baracca's mother the gave the painting as a good-luck gift to Enzo Ferrari, who used this badge on His legendary cars since 1923. Having shot down His Last Enemy airplane on 16th June 1918 His career and life ended three days later When , leading a ground attack mission Solstice During the Great Battle at the Piave River, he was shot down by rifle-fire. His body was found a few days after the crash. A bullet hole was Discovered in His Head and the ordnance gun still hold in the hand. As reported by a letter sent to the mother, Shack was very feared by fire know, (this is only an hypothesis) he chosed the suicide rather than burn alive in His plane (two-incendiary bullets holes where Also founded on the fuel tank of His Spad). His 30th victory at World Soundtrack cabin was with the prestigious Gold Medal Military Valour

Sorry for the picture size figures, but I do not have others.
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