Steve Brodie
PlanetFigure Supporter
Origin shows two hunters tracking a Kudu by running in the scorching midday sun. Very few tribes practice this type of hunting today, but one is the tribe Saan in the Kalahari desert in Africa.
The vignette comes in the usual black open lidded box sealed with ribbon and a wax seal
On opening the lid, you are greated with a nest of shredded paper and a card showing a image of the two hunters
On the back of which is the edition number
Removing the paper you have the wooden plinth a bag of the resin items
The wooden Mount is very nice and has a stamp on the base;
The base shows Kudu tracks in the dry Kalahari mud, and is long to give the feeling of the persistance needed.. It was a bit warped, but a quick 15 second dip in hot water sorted that out, it has two little recesses for the hunters to 'plug' into.
The first hunter consists of 4 parts
The main Body the right arm and the Left arm cast with his hunting pouch cast in place; this just pushes into the recess on the arm with no filling needed at all, the Left arm fits perfectly as well, hopefully glue will just fill the hair line crack. The head also fits at a point with his necklace, so no seam line to fill here either
The second hunter consists of 5 parts
The main body right and left arms, hunting pouch which plugs into a hole on his back and his head, again fit of parts is exceptional and will only need the minimal of a swipe with some filler.
On both figures the details are very sharp, faces show great features and the bodies exhibit nicely sculpted and cast muscle tone
It only takes a few minutes to put them both together, only the 1st hunters left arm is held on by blue tack, the rest are just push fitted into place
Couple of live photos;
Ancient hunting practices with a modern twist
Usual Nordlys attention to details, packing and fit of parts makes this another highly recommended purchase. Nordlys should have more stock in at Beginning of December.
The vignette comes in the usual black open lidded box sealed with ribbon and a wax seal

On opening the lid, you are greated with a nest of shredded paper and a card showing a image of the two hunters

On the back of which is the edition number

Removing the paper you have the wooden plinth a bag of the resin items

The wooden Mount is very nice and has a stamp on the base;

The base shows Kudu tracks in the dry Kalahari mud, and is long to give the feeling of the persistance needed.. It was a bit warped, but a quick 15 second dip in hot water sorted that out, it has two little recesses for the hunters to 'plug' into.

The first hunter consists of 4 parts
The main Body the right arm and the Left arm cast with his hunting pouch cast in place; this just pushes into the recess on the arm with no filling needed at all, the Left arm fits perfectly as well, hopefully glue will just fill the hair line crack. The head also fits at a point with his necklace, so no seam line to fill here either

The second hunter consists of 5 parts
The main body right and left arms, hunting pouch which plugs into a hole on his back and his head, again fit of parts is exceptional and will only need the minimal of a swipe with some filler.

On both figures the details are very sharp, faces show great features and the bodies exhibit nicely sculpted and cast muscle tone

It only takes a few minutes to put them both together, only the 1st hunters left arm is held on by blue tack, the rest are just push fitted into place

Couple of live photos;

Ancient hunting practices with a modern twist

Usual Nordlys attention to details, packing and fit of parts makes this another highly recommended purchase. Nordlys should have more stock in at Beginning of December.