October 13, 1792


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
The White House...

On October 13, 1792, George Washington, dressed as a Mason, laid the foundation stone for one of the most famous buildings in the world:

It is the so-called "White House" on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C.!

This is what the building looked like...:

The location of the White House was chosen by President George Washington and urban planner Pierre L'Enfant...:



The architect was the Irish master builder James Hoban, who took the "Leinster House" at Dublin, today the seat of the Irish Parliament, as a model...:

It took eight years to build and cost $232,371.83 (in today's purchasing power: around $3.35 million).

The White House was first used on November 1, 1800 - but not for long!

Because in 1814 the building was burned down by British troops in the so-called "War of 1812"...:

The reconstruction - now in the classical style! - started in 1819 and was again directed by James Hoban...:

Existing smoke damage was whitewashed. From 1824, large limestone pillars were erected at the front. These come from the Croatian island of Brač and are known for their white colour.

Again, an existing building was the inspiration, namely the French Château de Rastignac...:

The building, now known as the "White House", quickly proved to be too small and was continually rebuilt and expanded in various steps until it reached its present form - with two wings on the side...:

The footprint of the building has roughly tripled since it was first built...:

The west wing stands...

...traditionally available to the wife of the respective president, the so-called "FLOTUS" ("First Lady of the United States"), which was deeply hated by the building's staff because of her arrogant and arrogant manners and her constant special requests Clinton earned the nickname "West Wing Witch" - which was later picked up by the press...

**continued next post**
Part II

At the beginning of the 1950s, the White House was gutted, the remains were renovated and rebuilt again...:

By the way, the famous "Oval Office" (officially called "Situation Room"), the oval workroom of the President, is not directly behind the semi-circular terrace...

...as many suspect - there is - marked in blue - the room for diplomatic receptions...:

The "Oval Office" is located on the side of the main building at the transition to the "East Wing", which houses the - publicly accessible "White House Museum"...:

The private quarters of the presidential family are on the first floor...:

The White House and the surrounding compound is a high-security zone equipped with the most modern security installations. The following measures and facilities protect the White House:

Overflight Ban:
No aircraft may enter the airspace over the White House without permission. This zone spans the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. Any aircraft approaching the restricted zone will be detected and observed by National Airport's radar. In an emergency, interceptor jets are launched to intercept the aircraft. The National Guard also has anti-aircraft missiles on site.

Under the east wing are air raid shelters that have since been converted into the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC). They enable the President and his staff to stay and control the country in special situations. During the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the White House was evacuated for the first time in its history. Vice President Dick Cheney, who was present, withdrew to the bomb shelter with others, including then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

On the roof, agents use binoculars to observe the surroundings. They are under the command "Shoot to Kill"!

Cameras and sensors:There are surveillance cameras and sensors throughout the site.

Security guards:About 200 to 300 members of the Secret Service, the US Marines and the Park Police guard the property.

Tempered glass:All panes of the building are made of 6 to 8 cm thick special armored glass, which distorts the view to the outside to a greater or lesser extent, which has led to quite a few complaints from residents in the past.

In addition, there are a number of other top-secret security facilities.

Oh yes, the famous President's desk in the "Oval Office"...

...is a gift from Queen Victoria...

...to President and roughrider "Teddy" Roosevelt...


... and the USA and consists of an oak beam, extensively decorated with hand carvings, from the no less famous battleship HMS "Victory", which was Nelson's flagship at the naval battle of Trafalgar...:

The table had to - people around 1900 were much smaller than today! - can be raised several times and is now always optimally adapted to the seat height and working habits of the respective office holder by means of discreet substructures.

Oh yes: Various ideas for the conversion of the building, attributed to the greatest inhabitant of all times, were - until now? - not realized yet...:
