"Open de Bretagne 2009" contest & exhibition


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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
near Nantes, Brittany, FRANCE
"Open de Bretagne, May 2009" Contest & exhibition in France

Hi everyone,

Just to tell you that the figurine exhibition and contest "L'Open de Bretagne de la Figurine" will take place on 30 & 31 may 2009, near Nantes in Brittany, (northern-western part of France).


Here the gallery to show you some pictures taken in the hall where the contest take place: http://picasaweb.google.fr/Chevaliers.du.Centaure/Ambiance

All the informations and galleries about this event are on our painting club web site: http://www.chevaliers-du-centaure.org/

Click on "Open de Bretagne 2009" and choose the english or french version for the presentation.

For the 2009 event, it will be the 5th edition. The precedent edition was in 2007. We have had about 500 firgurines in competition and over 800 on exhibition.

Organisation: painting club "Les Chevaliers du Centaure".

Hope to see you there! In 2007, the contestants came from all over France and from abroad, like Belgium, the U.K, Spain and even (from as far as) Quebec ! .

For 2007 the guest of honnour was Allan Carrasco. For 2009, it will be an "historical" artist.

The best of show 2007 (by Daniel Ipperti):

All the pictures of the galleries in the differents categories:


Some pictures:

May be you could come here in may 2009 !

we will be happy to host you :)
Hi everyone,

The guest of honnour 2009 will be the french sculptor: Benoit Cauchies

He works for some famous compagnies as Pegaso. :)

Some pieces of his work :

his interview (in french) : http://www.chevaliers-du-centaure.org/?Les_interviews:Benoit_Cauchies

The official figure of this 5th edition, sculpted by a member of our club (Jean-marc Couëtoux): "Donan, the sleeping korrigan"
korrigan = a wooden elf, here in Brittany.

This mini will be the subjetc of a painting trophy for this contest; the winner will win this piece, but painted by Thomas DAVID ( http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/thomasdavid.tm )

To get one piece ( price : 5 € + postage for 1 to 3 pieces (1.8 € in European Union, 2.50 € in the rest of the world)), contact our painting club:

I've added the poster of the 5th edition at the top of the page. :)
The figure is sculpted by Benoit Cauchies (guest of honnor) for Pegaso and painted by Danilo Cartacci.
The others figures are sculpted or painted by members of our painting club.

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