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Maybe not. I have seen the Tiny Troopers 90mm Crimean Hussar Officer sell for around that amount although that was in auction.

I've seen that guy's stuff before they are all insanely priced and his idea of "professional" painting varies with mine
Well I had a look for both parts on e-Bee
1st one unpainted but it's perhaps in pure silver according to the price
2nd the painted one read well 54cm perhaps
Waouw on base of this I made a quick calculation and I must have for 160. 000 Euro in my drawers . And they are unpainted ... how much can it become when I will paint everything ?
I'm a richman dabedi dabedou ooui
Looking further I find a reference : DMH Models .... below in the descritpion
DMH is a name we found back in Railway Miniatures but I don't know if this is a brandt or a condition status or anything else ... perhaps the pieces is in dimethylhydra (DMH).... something or Dark Master Hobbyist ... Drunk Miniature Historian...
or a hijaker who says : Drop Me Here ... or at the the hairdresser Dry My Hairs....
Be my guest
Things are worth only what a buyer is prepared to pay. In the case of the seller selling "Stadden Historex" items they do achieve a sizeable number of sales at the prices they're asking, including similar items over £300.
It's a funny old world.

Yikes, it seems a fool and his money are easily parted! Every now and then on CMON and similar sites there are threads griping about the "pro painted" label on auctions of fantasy mins, which to be fair isn't any guide to quality although it is sometimes taken as one; "connoisseur quality" or "museum quality" on the other hand...

Stadden-Historex means they don't know.
Certainly don't know what things are worth.

Looking further I find a reference : DMH Models .... below in the descritpion
DMH is a name we found back in Railway Miniatures but I don't know if this is a brandt or a condition status or anything else ... perhaps the pieces is in dimethylhydra (DMH).... something or Dark Master Hobbyist ... Drunk Miniature Historian...
or a hijaker who says : Drop Me Here ... or at the the hairdresser Dry My Hairs....
Be my guest
DMH Models was a company set up by Derek Hansen. That figure was released 1990. Not sure if there were any other releases.