A Fixture
Hi folks
This is one of my last works in progress , a 54 mm. figure . He is a Goth , for my liking an Ostrogoth of the 6th century AD .
A lot work to do , I basecoated with acrilic and now i've just started with oils. The helmet ( wich is a very good reproduction of the Spangenhelm ) is almost finished , as it is the face just a little bit of shades and highlights, now I'm going to finish the mail and the shield ...
Any suggestion and criticism is welcome
This is one of my last works in progress , a 54 mm. figure . He is a Goth , for my liking an Ostrogoth of the 6th century AD .
A lot work to do , I basecoated with acrilic and now i've just started with oils. The helmet ( wich is a very good reproduction of the Spangenhelm ) is almost finished , as it is the face just a little bit of shades and highlights, now I'm going to finish the mail and the shield ...
Any suggestion and criticism is welcome