A Fixture
Hi friends!
I'm looking for this guy for a personal proyect. Owen Glyndwr Prince of Wales, from Pegaso.
I can sell it or change it for other miniatures (i've tones that I'll never paint)
For change I've the next (click to see the picture)
- Roman Centruion Bust, Andrea Miniatures
- Monk Warrior, Circa 1250, Andrea Miniatures 90mm
- Astaroth, Andrea Warlord Saga 70mm
- Volgor Skull Hunter, Andrea Warlord Saga 70mm
- Ainariel arrow of Light, Andrea Warlord Saga 54mm
- German Infantry NCO, Jon Smith Modelbau 120mm
- Veteran Griffon, Game Zone 28mm
- Gerió, Special Limited Edition from the Girona World Expo sculpted by Martin Canale
- Renaissance Knight sXV, Pegaso 75mm
- Montezuma, Pegaso 75mm
- Sophie Succubus, Reaper 72mm
- Diana Venatrix, Pegaso 54mm
- 66º Reg. Official Afganistan, Art Girona 54mm
- Trompette Dragons 1809, Art Girona 54mm
- Mula de Mario, Beneito 54mm
- Beau Geste, Andrea 54mm
- German Paratroop Mayor, Andrea 54mm
I hope you can help me
I'm looking for this guy for a personal proyect. Owen Glyndwr Prince of Wales, from Pegaso.
I can sell it or change it for other miniatures (i've tones that I'll never paint)
For change I've the next (click to see the picture)
- Roman Centruion Bust, Andrea Miniatures
- Monk Warrior, Circa 1250, Andrea Miniatures 90mm
- Astaroth, Andrea Warlord Saga 70mm
- Volgor Skull Hunter, Andrea Warlord Saga 70mm
- Ainariel arrow of Light, Andrea Warlord Saga 54mm
- German Infantry NCO, Jon Smith Modelbau 120mm
- Veteran Griffon, Game Zone 28mm
- Gerió, Special Limited Edition from the Girona World Expo sculpted by Martin Canale
- Renaissance Knight sXV, Pegaso 75mm
- Montezuma, Pegaso 75mm
- Sophie Succubus, Reaper 72mm
- Diana Venatrix, Pegaso 54mm
- 66º Reg. Official Afganistan, Art Girona 54mm
- Trompette Dragons 1809, Art Girona 54mm
- Mula de Mario, Beneito 54mm
- Beau Geste, Andrea 54mm
- German Paratroop Mayor, Andrea 54mm
I hope you can help me