Painting Black Skin.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2016
I have ordered a bust of Wesley Snipes playing Blade. I've never actually painted skin his colour. Any suggestions on a base colour? I'll spray acrylic.



BLADE 2.jpg
I can only tell you with oilpaint.

I mix raw umber + Burnt sienna and White to a dark base skintone as in your picture.
To lighten up I use 3 times more white then in the base, and for shading i use green
Hope you can translate it into acrylic.

Thanks Marc. I do use oils quite a bit but can convert your suggestions :)

I remember reading Graham Dixie's book years ago about painting dark skin tones and about the only thing which stayed with me was the shading in green, which I thought a bit odd when I read it but it really does make a difference.

The last bust I painted dark skinned was Nemrods 'Erato', which I think was sand coloured enamel undercoat. I then applied Van Dyke brown all over, left for a couple of hours and then removed using a large dry flat brush to get the highlights and shades started, and then I think Sap green for shading and highlights I think was Oche plus abit of white as a final highlight.

Having said that I did paint it along time ago could all be wrong:whistle::D:D:whistle:...........dom
You are correct cinimod, use raw and burnt umber, the secret to ALL flesh colours is the green tinge. To achieve this wash a very thin coat of sap green over the finished flesh area ( must be dry!!! ) It will also tone it all down.
vallejo color

african: Black Brown #822, Chocolate Brown #872,50/50 Chocolate Brown #872 and US Tan Earth # 874, US Tan Earth # 874, 25/75 Brown Rose #803 and Cork Brown #843, Basic Skintone #815

aborigines: Black Red #859, Burnt Cad. Red #814, Cavalry Brown #982, Red Leather #818, Orange Brown #981, Brown Rose #803, Basic Skin Tone #815, Light Skin #928

african american: Flat Brown #984, USA Tan-Earth #874, Orange Brown #981, Cork Brown #843, Basic Skintone #815