Painting Flats


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Blind Pew

PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 5, 2005
Carlisle, England
Dear Planteers, I am about to start painting a couple of flats. This is something I've never done before, but am keen to get started on. Does anybody know of any good books, websites, or any other sort of reference material out there to assist a novice like me?
Thanks in advance guys.
That would be issue 40, Alan and Marion Ball's Palace Guard on the cover, "How I Paint Flats - One Artist's Method" by Peter Ferk.
I can't find the issue right now, but another HM has an article by Greg DiFranco (sp?) which is very good.
The book "Art of the Flat Tin Figure" is oop and costly if you can find it, but good.

Try these links

More flats
Even more flats
British Flats
Konrad Schulte

Hope you can find something useful. Flats are very nice.
Two of my "bedside" references on flats painting are:

Book: The Art of the Flat Tin Figure, by Mike Taylor, ISBN 1-85915-070-5. It's been out of print for a while, but if you ever run across it there's no better treatment of the subject IMHO. I think there may be an edition in German, but I have not seen this. If I ever have to leave my house in the middle of the night because of a fire - this books comes with me.

Article, Historical Miniature Magazine, #38, Sept/Oct 2003, "Painting Flats and the Effective Use of Color," by Greg DiFranco. (copy of this article is in my Mick Taylor book - so I got 'em both if a fire starts! :eek:

The Peter Ferk Article is also good.
Fellas, and Pete in particular - thank you all very much indeed.
This sort of thing is what the Planet is all about. ;)

Pete, looking at some of the stuff on those websites, it is intimidating, but I can't wait for the challenge!
The 2 articles cited are very good. The Mike Taylor Book is out of print and hard to find. If someone has one for sale, please tell me, I would like to get a copy.
I find that looking at other people's painted flats is very helpful.
Look also at the May/June 2004 (#43) Historical Miniature Magazine with the photo spread of Gianfranco Speranza's "The Lion of the North" photo spread of the set of flats "Death Parade of Gustavus Adolphus".
If you need help, please e-mail me. Maybe I can answer questions, I do not know.
Be patient, I only get on the computer once a week.
Good Luck and have fun!

Some more Flats sites to browse from my bookmark collection.

Painting flats article on British Flat Figure Society website.

Andreas Trost, Artist-engraver (in German)
Detailed engraving and casting pics as well as a painting guide to flats. Even if you don't speak Geman this is a great website

Zinnfiguren and engravings of Vladimir Nuzhdin

Roswitha Prochnow

Zinnfiguren by Alexander Mitelev

Zinnfiguren Rieger

Historisches Zinn. Port Melbourne, Australia