Painting maserclass


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A Fixture
Feb 19, 2015
Funny thing happened the other day. Alphonso Giraldes (banshee) emailed me about setting up a second teaching weekend after his date in London in April. Now, I don't pretend to know what I'm doing but I thought "may as well sound people out". So, I have a question, how many here would be interested in a weekend of coaching with Alphonso (he's quite good so I'm led to believe). Venue would most likely be Glasgow I'd have thought.
May want to change it to Alfonso though ;)

Basically, he doesn't teach techniques. He teaches colour and paint. As in colour theory but to the point of mixing your colours from primaries and much more.

If you look at the old larger scale Marvel and Star Wars miniature from Knight Models, he painted most of those. He also painted the recent 90mm Roman for Pegaso and is the man responsible for the Anonymous bust.
If he's an acrylic man i'm out,as i only paint in oils,otherwise i would have been interested .
He described his class structure to me the other day and he didn't mention any specific paint types, I've emailed the question to him though Brian. Mind you, If you yourself taught classes I'd go to them!
This is a maser

Thank mirofsoft, that's very helpful (though I still can't tell from the pic what a maser is exactly!).

LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emisssion of Radiation
MASER Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emisssion of Radiation ( note ; this is not what you find in a microwaves oven )
He aint gonna get many attendees in Glasgow I would think as there is only a handful of figure painters , I am sure i would find it interesting .
You are right re the Snadd to watch how he does it would be well worthwhile but he's a secretive bugger :D
I'm thinking of a venue in Stirling Ron, I've got a good few interested parties (I need at least nine to confirm mind) should I add you to the list?
What did snad or snadd stand for ?
Sudanese North American Diaspora Database ? ;) or do you use the slovaquian word snad for perhaps :ROFLMAO:

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