Painting Minis,Where, what, how, when???


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A Fixture
Oct 14, 2004
Hello all Fellow Planet FIgure members,

I'm sure that between us, there are quite a few mini figure painters, from whome I'm asking their opinion.
I'm thinking to purchase a few minis to paint whenever I want to have a brake from the historical miniatures that I usually paint. So I'm asking, Where shall I start from? What figure are good for a start? Is oil painting convinient for minis painting? What about the bases?
Lots of questions look for the right answers :)
Thank you all in advance.

I like the Games Workshop "Lord of the Rings" stuff. I like the metal figures better than the plastic, for the most part.

I also like Foundry's American Civil War series.

As for oils - I've never been bold enough to try them on something so small.

Hope you find something you like.

Anything Games Workshop is superb, the detail is incredible considering they are 28mm, alas I am an acrylics painter and wouldn't be able to answer about oils. :(
Hi Xenofon

Like the others, I paint with acrylics, so I cannot comment on the use of oils for minis.

Thunderbolt Mountain has some really nice and detailed minis. I have some of the Arthurian Knights. I think they are 25mm scale. The elves are nice as well and I belive they are 30mm. (, I believe)

Minis by Rackham look nice also, though I don't own any. Everything depends on your personal taste and desired time period or genre.

Games Workshop tends to be extreme in their proportions and weapons. My choice for Lord of the Rings minis is Mithrils (, as they are not bound designwise to the movie (and they are a bit cheaper than Games Workshop).

You may want to mount a mini on a small wooden base. The concepts for basing are pretty much the same. Maybe you'll want to make a diorama?

Whatever you do, have fun with it. :)

Originally posted by Kisifer+Aug 1 2006, 09:57 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kisifer @ Aug 1 2006, 09:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I'm thinking to purchase a few minis to paint whenever I want to have a brake from the historical miniatures that I usually paint. So I'm asking, Where shall I start from? [/b]

Hi Xenofon, there are some lovely minis made by a number of companies; depending on the subject matter you're looking for, the style of sculpting and scale that's where you begin to make the decisions.

If you go to CoolMiniOrNot you can browse the galleries by manufacturer, that's a good way of getting a quick overview of who does what:

I like a number of the minis from Dark Age, Reaper, Freebooter and Privateer Press in smaller scales, there's also some lovely mechanical stuff by Privateer Press in their Warmachine line. Many of my top favs are by Rackham as they're larger and I love their style.

Originally posted by Kisifer@Aug 1 2006, 09:57 AM
What figure are good for a start?
Personally I'd go with something you really like - you'll usually do your best work if you're in love with the sculpt.

Originally posted by Kisifer@Aug 1 2006, 09:57 AM
Is oil painting convinient for minis painting?
Yep, you can paint minis in oils but I wouldn't think it's the best medium. Acrylics, if you can use them, are probably a better bet overall.

@Aug 1 2006, 09:57 AM
What about the bases? [/quote]
A lot of minis aren't based in the way we're used to with historical miniatures. You'll see a number of the common choices in the galleries on CMON.


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