OK, from the files..
Hi Godfather,
the references I have here are for Winsor & Newton. While not for a Templar figure specifically, hope this acts as a start point & guide, not a fixed reference. adjust the recipe to your own needs & desired results.
the website for them is here
Ok, with the thought that most red hair is combination of orange - yellows for highlights to warm dark browns in the shadows, here is what I managed to work out.
Base colour: Cadmium Orange 089 + Burnt Sienna 074, maybe add a dash of Terra Rosa 635 for warmth.
Highlights - Yellow Ochre 744, maybe also Yellow Deep 731 for upper end highlights.
Shadows - more Burnt Sienna to base color, perhaps Brown Madder 056 if you want to push the shadow effects. Depending on the figures scale, Brown Madder may be overkill......
Hope this helps. Currently I'm an acrylic guy, but the above is what I would do in a similar position.
Reference used; Painting Female Miniatures, Andrea Press.