Painting tartan and complex designs


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Mar 10, 2005
Telford, UK
Does anyone know of any good instructions/methods for painting tartan and complex designs like samurai patterns etc, that can be found on the web. This is definitely my Achilles heel when it comes to painting :(

Any tips much appreciated

John, I too suffered from "Tartan-itis". While I'm certianly no expert at these things, if I could reccomend a reference, it would without a doubt be Bill Horan's "Military Modelling Masterclass". It is probably THE article for painting tartans. Yes, there are many different patterns but what Bill's book does is break down the painting of the pattern so that you could actually paint any pattern, you just have to look at the color combinations.

Jim Patrick
I have some info that Dr. Mike over at MedRom sent me awhile back. The format is a bit tough to post here. If you guys (or anyone else) want to pm me your email addresses, I'll forward it.

I/R published a book on miniatures 1000 years ago that had an excellent section on painting tartans.
You HAVE TO get hold of a copy of "Building & Painting Scale Figures" by Shepherd Paine. This is one of the very very few modelling books where you can really say that any money spent on it is better spent than on a figure costing the same amount. It's THAT good. It WILL improve your painting.
A section on tartans (which are intimidating at the best of times) is covered which I for one consult if ever I do a tartan.
If I can add some personal advice of my own, keep the colours as dark as you can get away with and remember that the lines dont have to BE dead straight - they just have to LOOK dead straight. Not necessarily the same thing!
Best of luck! Let us know how you get on.
Try postin this on the Med-Rom fourm, I asked some tartan questions there and got some good responses... I also recived an artical that I could email you. PM me...


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