Pegaso casting quality


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A Fixture
May 8, 2009
Hi Everyone,

I bought the Pegaso 90mm mounted Daimyo Warlord on their new website. This is the Samurai kit that I have not in my grey army. I received the kit yesterday morning and when I opened it, MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! Almost all the parts are faulty due to a bad mould. This really made my day and night which I spent taking photos. I sent the photos to Pegaso at 2:30 am. Got a reply this morning. From Pegaso "We will immediately check the status of the moulds and see if we can prepare for you correct substitutive parts. As soon as we have controlled this we will find a good solution together with you."

What really puzzle me when I received the package I did a vertical cut on the box, But when I opened it, the kit box inside already had a horizontal cut mark on it. My be this is a previously Pegaso return item.

Here are the photos that I sent to Pegaso.












10 a.jpg













This is appalling quality control. Chinese recasters produce better than this.
Hope they replace the whole kit with a decent one.
I do wonder where Pegaso are headed.

I think this is pretty much par for the course all round these days the last two figures I have bought have been dreadful , they were not Pegso who are generally pretty good .
I have got to the point of being very selective to what I buy and have an ever growing black list , I don't even bother complaing any more they just get struck off .

One thing perplexes me Banjer , how do you know that recasters produce better :rolleyes:
This brief review is quite an eye-opener and makes me think what changes might have enabled Pegaso to lower their prices for their fire sale - to be fair I can tell that I bought at Pegasos`s SMC-stand in Eindhoven the 75mm Iroquoise Warrior and the castings of this kit are of the quality we are accustomed to when we open a Pegaso kit. Hopefully your experience will remain the exception Felix!
That said the trimming of parts and filling of minor casting flaws is IMHO something to be prepared for when takling the majority of the more complex kits in the market - recasts are copies of these kits....and yes, I wonder how people can tell that the recasts are better or worse if nobody buys them:confused::meh:.
One thing perplexes me Banjer , how do you know that recasters produce better :rolleyes:

I thought after I posted someone would ask this. :angelic: I have never bought a recast but I have seen some, two were awful, one was better than Felix's Pegaso. The whole buisiness seems to have dropped its quality control of late.

Felix, In my experience, Pegaso is very responsive to problems with their kits. They have resolved a few issues with kits that I have had in the past very quickly, so I'm sure they will take care of you.

Some interesting thoughts and responses to this one. The reference to re-casts is I'm sure a mere comparative figure of speech
rather than anything more sinister - the problems here are the kind of thing we might expect from a pirate figure. Also Pegaso's
prompt responses to similar issues in the past can't reasonably be faulted. The fact remains however that Pegaso are in the frame
again for 'iffy' production quality. That might make some us think twice about choosing one of their figures in the future (some
years back I had the same issues with Andrea's 90mm 'Gericault' Chasseur, and I haven't bought any of their stuff since).

Absolutely pathetic!!!!There's no excuse for such quality!!!It is completely incomprehensible how some person put all these parts in one box without noticing so many grave faults.It is not one or two tiny pieces we are talking about but major flaws in ALL the pieces as well as missing parts and duplicate parts in the box.This quality would not even cut it as a giveaway let alone an expensive piece like that.If the molds are damaged,Pegaso should take out the piece from their catalog not keep on selling it and hope the buyers won't mind.The only way they can make amends for that is by sending you a new box with the entire figure new and undamaged and a big box of chocolates writing "WE ARE SORRY" on it.If that is the "New" Pegaso I can only say one thing:Oh how the mighty are fallen"

I am pretty sure when people pull something out of a mold you can tell if the cast is good or not...…...well I can. If its not good you put it aside and don't sell it. I would just say to them, while you're checking your molds refund my money now or I am calling my credit card company.
Anyway I will be doing a video review of John Rosengrant's 200mm Paratrooper from Pegaso that I just got from them last week for those interested
I am much obliged to Felix for identifying this issue as my copy of this same kit arrived yesterday along with 6 other Pegaso kits a mate and I did as a large joint order. Having seen this, I cracked the Pegaso 'seals' which I had intended to leave untouched in total good faith as to their normal high QC.....but thank goodness I did !

Having looked at my Daiymo copy, alas I have many of the same issues seen here including 2 identical horse side flaps and also the legs and the Jinbaouri are unusable due to those awful mold-lines going straight through the fine detail. It will take nothing short of a Dremel and coarse grinding head to remove that line ....along with all the details!

The horse half with the huge metal 'stub' is also present and again, that is going to takes some serious grinding away with a motor-tool to get a fit and then of course, it will require copious amounts of filler to blend in.

My horse furniture tassels are 'so-so' but fortunately, they are nothing like as bad as your copies and I can live with those. Ditto the helmet.

I actually have a second copy of this same Daiymo 90 mm piece (still boxed) which I bought many years ago when it was first released and the differences when parts are placed side by side in terms casting and overall Q.C. are night and day. I think sadly, the mold has expired if considered in line with Pegaso's normally very high standards - probably explains why it was a 'sale' item - and indeed on my 'new' copy, many of the holes where the parts fit into are now simply faint 'dimples' as the holes are full now with excess metal. These will there for need drilling out or if not weight bearing, simple butt fits only which isn't ideal for heavy metal 90 mm parts over the years ahead.

Put simply, despite the significantly lowered price, I don't think the mold (as used) is serviceable anymore.

I will email Pegaso with my own photos and ask for these unacceptable parts to be replaced with serviceable parts. I have had very few issues with Pegaso having bought numerous kits over the years and on the rare occasions I have needed a part replacing, they have always come up trumps with excellent after-sales service; fingers crossed! Can I also say as well that the other 6 kits I bought all appear to be fine and so, I am satisfied this is a one-off issue and (not) indicative of Pegaso and their normally very high standards.

I will let you know how I get on.

A pure case of milking the moulds or inexperienced and poor quality control..... I too have recently bought a Pegaso 90mm kit at a discounted price that's of questionable quality from a company here in the U.S.....also I noticed that the box has been changed from the standard "blue" background to "black". Not that I care about the box; I'm just saying as with most things in life "nothing stays the same". In my case, I'm dealing with it as it just takes more prep and putty. But I will be more aware from now on. As a side note..... I still prefer metal for most full figure kits and resin for busts. I should also state that my kit was a single figure kit and not as detailed as Felixs kit but the same principle applies when it comes to questionable quality.
As others have said, looks like the moulds are shot on that one. Some of those flaws are probably livable-with/repairable. But others not so much, so it was certainly worth drawing potential buyers' attention to them.

I bought two 90mm foot figures (90-019 and 90-025) in the recent Pegaso "fire sale". Both have been around for a while (I first painted 90-025 about 18 years ago) but I'm happy to say that having checked them closely after reading this thread, the casting on both is fine. Hopefully the Daimyo is an unfortunate one-off.

- Steve
Finally after 1 1/2 month, I received my replacement parts from Pegaso yesterday. New moulds were made for the parts. Most of them are excellent and better than before. There are couples that still have the same problem but fixable. I was offered apologies and a free gift of 75mm figure kit but I declined for the free figure kit for something I don't need. Apologies were more than enough.

News for the 200 mm Genghis Khan full figure kit, it will be released during 2020.


Glad you got a satisfactory outcome Felix.
Having to complain isn't pleasant but sometimes necessary.

Cheers Bill
Good on you Felix on the result and well done to Pegaso for responding

Hopefully this incident will make sure they keep a watch on moulds and casting quality

Happy benchtime

Just to update this thread and to say that Pietro at Pegaso has worked very hard to put this right and he also kept me fully updated as he progressed to ameliorate the situation. My replacement parts arrived today and they are perfect.

So....Credit where it is due and a big thank you to Pietro and Pegaso Models and they have proved yet again that they are a class act and second to none in terms of customer service and in their dedication to quality products.
