I have read the comments on the Pegaso figurines and I don't want to step into this discussion. First of all I want to thank Bob that he put this figurine in the forum, so that we all can have a impression on this figurine.
I think the question that rieses is another one and it had nothing to do with the Pegaso figurines discussed before. It is a general question:
Did we want to have HISTORICAL FIGURINES ore just FIGURINES? We are the customers and we have the power to take influence what producers are producing.
In Germany we had the tradition of HISTORICAL FIGURINES - to represent history and heritage. For this reason I'm on the opinion, that the question of the historical correctness of a figurine is absolutely a subject to be discussed when a figurine is presented.
If we stop to quote the historical correctness of a figurine and only quote the sculpting ability and the castin, the sculptor who spent a lot of time to make a proper research do this in vain!
Why in the futur he should do all this work to make a histrocal correct figurine???
As a consequence, our hobby will end in a kind of "Figurine Hollywood or Disneyland", French Napoleonic Soldiers with English jacket and Prussian trousers...
Everybody had to answer if he want this ore not?
I can unserstand Mike, when I rembember how I get angry when I see fantasy Indians, simply because companies and sculptors to be to lazy to do a proper research...
For this reason I had offerd Pegaso my support in historical reserach for their Indian figurines and they were happy for this. Another company didn't answerd to my offer...
I love fantasy figurines when this figurines are represented as "fantasy" but not as history.
On the other hand there is the problem, that some manufactures had already stopped to sent information on his new figurines to internet forums or to Figurine Magazines because they are afraid to get a bad critic. Waht this companies forgett ist the fact, that they than lack the public realtion if the figurine is good.
It is realy a problem, but I don't know if the way to solve this situation is to ban a critic on historical correctness into a special forum???
I think it would be good to bring together with the ciritc an advices how to correct the figurine if this is possible... Some fingurines are so wrong that you can't correct anything.
Perhapes I become now an outsider, but I still will give my critic on the historical correctness to Indian figurines also in the future.
At least, I'm sure, that the impact of suche critic is much over falued. If a painter likes a figurine he will by it, even it is fantasy.
I wrote this posting not to criticise anybody. I wrote this posting because I think to represent the people of the past as figurines in a correct way had also something to do with "RESPECT and HONOUR" to these people and we should not reduce ever<thing only to a business to make money...
Many greatings from Germany