I know that you all got impressed as I did when you first saw this masterpiece previewed. A 75mm mounted hussar from the great Master Maurizio Bruno. I'm pretty sure that this piece will be a classic and we will see quite a few painted in shows. But lets move on into the review of this kit.
Historical Notes
The hussars were a prominent cavalry force in the Napoleonic wars (1796 - 1815). As light cavalrymen mounted on fast horses they would be used to fight skirmish battles and for scouting. Most of the great European powers used the hussar within their military forces. The armies of France, Austria, Prussia and Russia had included hussar regiments since the mid-18th century. In the case of Britain four light dragoon regiments were converted to hussars in 1805. Hussars were notoriously impetuous and Napoleon was quoted as stating that he would be surprised for a hussar to live beyond 30* due to their tendency to become reckless in battle, exposing their weaknesses in frontal assaults. The hussars of Napoleon created the tradition of sabrage, the opening of a champagne bottle with a saber, something that is still popular in France to this day.
The uniform of the Napoleonic hussars was made up of the pelisse: a short cloak which was often worn slung over one shoulder and fastened with a cord. This garment had a fur edging and was extensively adorned with braiding (often gold or silver for officers) and several rows of multiple buttons. Under this was worn the dolman or tunic which also was decorated in braid. On active service the hussar normally wore reinforced breeches which had leather on the inside of the leg to prevent them from wearing due to the extensive riding in the saddle. On the outside of such breeches, running up the outside was a row of buttons, and sometimes a stripe in a different colour. In terms of headwear the common hussar wore either a shako or fur busby. The colours of dolman, pelisse and breeches varied greatly by regiment, even within the same army. The Napoleonic hussar was armed with a brass hilted sabre and sometimes with a brace of pistols although these were often unavailable.
The kit
Article 75-901
Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno
Painter: Danilo Cartacci
Material: white metal
Pieces: 33
Weight: 900 gr.
Size: 75 mm.
The usual dark blue hard carton box of Pegaso for kits of this size contains the usual 2 dark grey foams that hold all 33 pieces. Also in the box the buyer can find a leaflet with historical notes from Marcello Grimaldi (Rest In Peace my friend) in 4 different languages, along with painting guide for all the Hussar regiments (check the photo below).
Further down you can see all the pieces and admire the quality of them.
For more pictures of the finished bust please visit Pegasos website:
Quality and Detail
As soon as I opened the box, honestly I got stunned from the quality of the kit. Almost no seam lines and great dry-fit of all the parts will make the modeller to consume just a little time before he starts painting. But the details...ohhh the details of this kit. It's the first mounted kit sculpted from Maurizio Bruno that it's commercially available and he really put his best indeed. So many details on the horse and the figure, makes you feel really amazed. The photos following will prove you this.
Who else would paint this kit other than Danilo Cartacci and as you can see he really did a fantastic work. Surely this kit is not for the amateur or medium painter in my opinion. I personally wouldn't suggest it, only for master level painters but that's just my opinion. Anyone who feels that this kit deserves to be in his painted collection, then he must give it a shot. It's always up to everyone's judgement. The leaflet that is provided it's a great guide showing all the regiments available so you can choose anything you like.
There are no many words to say when you have such a kit in your hands. Simply we wait for more to come and hope that they will.
Finally I would like to Thank again Pegaso Models, Luca Marchetti and Pietro Balloni for providing this kit.
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I know that you all got impressed as I did when you first saw this masterpiece previewed. A 75mm mounted hussar from the great Master Maurizio Bruno. I'm pretty sure that this piece will be a classic and we will see quite a few painted in shows. But lets move on into the review of this kit.
Historical Notes
The hussars were a prominent cavalry force in the Napoleonic wars (1796 - 1815). As light cavalrymen mounted on fast horses they would be used to fight skirmish battles and for scouting. Most of the great European powers used the hussar within their military forces. The armies of France, Austria, Prussia and Russia had included hussar regiments since the mid-18th century. In the case of Britain four light dragoon regiments were converted to hussars in 1805. Hussars were notoriously impetuous and Napoleon was quoted as stating that he would be surprised for a hussar to live beyond 30* due to their tendency to become reckless in battle, exposing their weaknesses in frontal assaults. The hussars of Napoleon created the tradition of sabrage, the opening of a champagne bottle with a saber, something that is still popular in France to this day.
The uniform of the Napoleonic hussars was made up of the pelisse: a short cloak which was often worn slung over one shoulder and fastened with a cord. This garment had a fur edging and was extensively adorned with braiding (often gold or silver for officers) and several rows of multiple buttons. Under this was worn the dolman or tunic which also was decorated in braid. On active service the hussar normally wore reinforced breeches which had leather on the inside of the leg to prevent them from wearing due to the extensive riding in the saddle. On the outside of such breeches, running up the outside was a row of buttons, and sometimes a stripe in a different colour. In terms of headwear the common hussar wore either a shako or fur busby. The colours of dolman, pelisse and breeches varied greatly by regiment, even within the same army. The Napoleonic hussar was armed with a brass hilted sabre and sometimes with a brace of pistols although these were often unavailable.
The kit
Article 75-901
Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno
Painter: Danilo Cartacci
Material: white metal
Pieces: 33
Weight: 900 gr.
Size: 75 mm.
The usual dark blue hard carton box of Pegaso for kits of this size contains the usual 2 dark grey foams that hold all 33 pieces. Also in the box the buyer can find a leaflet with historical notes from Marcello Grimaldi (Rest In Peace my friend) in 4 different languages, along with painting guide for all the Hussar regiments (check the photo below).
Further down you can see all the pieces and admire the quality of them.
For more pictures of the finished bust please visit Pegasos website:
Quality and Detail
As soon as I opened the box, honestly I got stunned from the quality of the kit. Almost no seam lines and great dry-fit of all the parts will make the modeller to consume just a little time before he starts painting. But the details...ohhh the details of this kit. It's the first mounted kit sculpted from Maurizio Bruno that it's commercially available and he really put his best indeed. So many details on the horse and the figure, makes you feel really amazed. The photos following will prove you this.
Who else would paint this kit other than Danilo Cartacci and as you can see he really did a fantastic work. Surely this kit is not for the amateur or medium painter in my opinion. I personally wouldn't suggest it, only for master level painters but that's just my opinion. Anyone who feels that this kit deserves to be in his painted collection, then he must give it a shot. It's always up to everyone's judgement. The leaflet that is provided it's a great guide showing all the regiments available so you can choose anything you like.
There are no many words to say when you have such a kit in your hands. Simply we wait for more to come and hope that they will.
Finally I would like to Thank again Pegaso Models, Luca Marchetti and Pietro Balloni for providing this kit.

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