Pilot Revisisted


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Figure Mad

A Fixture
Nov 9, 2004
Hi Guys

After posting some terrible images on here of my RFC Pilot from Latorre, I decided to examine my digital camera and rectify some bad lighting, good photography always helps.

Anyway I found out that my 8 yr old boy decided he wanted take a few pictures, but instead of doing so he thought it was much more fun to press every button and unknowingly change all the preset settings within the camera... you cant blame him really, I left it on the table within his reach so. I have reset all the presets and found a way of doing better lighting and here are the results.... comments always welcome




after seeing this in the flesh on wednesday at the club, I can say that the pics almost do it justice...(well done for sorting the camera dave) boys will be boys eh..!!

The long coat looks nice and leathery with just enough shine.

Also Dave...did you find any info relating to the strapping on the boots..?? I know you were concerned about their finish.

All the best.

Hi Joe

thank you for the compliment on the leather.

I am one of the new age painters........ :lol: and I use acrylics, only because the use of acrylics came easy to me, alot easier than oils. I still use the odd one or two oils and Humbrols.
