Ady Marsden
This is the follow on to the Sgt Cameron Highlanders. A lovely figure from Graham Scollick at CGS, sculpted by Carl Reid.

Go on you know you want to. Its not that difficult if you do it in stages. Plenty of tutorials out there!Excellent work. I like this, I'm tempted but don't fancy trying tartan.
It is actually yellow but very pale as I wanted a muted colour as opposed to a bold white which would have stood out too much. I used Vallejo Iraqui sand but diluted and then gave the whole bag a glaze of Vallejo smoke to weather it and mute the coloursI am sure the piping of a Cameron pipebag was/is yellow not white.
Thank you, yes in actual fact I did the bag once and didn't like it the pattern was too small. Don't get too hung up in the detail of tartan or you will go mad! Yes vallejo smoke is a great colour for muting and weathering. make sure that its a glaze consistency when you apply it. if you need it a bit darker then add to the glaze gradually until you are happy. I look forward to seeing yours on here.Superb painting. I have this one on the shelf, but painting the pipe bag and ribbons is my stumbling block at the moment. Can't seem to get the pattern down right and having to work with the hardest sett to paint doesn't help matters either. Going to study your photos. I like the idea of using Vallejo Smoke to weather the tartan is a good idea. Will give it a try.
Thanks SteveLOVE it, superb