Planet figure New Years Resolutions


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Oct 1, 2003
Okay guys, in addition to the usual New Years resolutions ie losing weight, quitting smoking, what resolutions can you think of that are hobby related?

Here are my two.

1. become more productive (hopefully all these spare parts I'm making will do this)

2. Do more sbs's on Pf

Okay, I have three.

3. paint paint paint~Gary
Here are a few I can think of:

1.- Quit buying more figures when I already have enough........Ok, I'll never do that :lol:

2.- Paint more

3.- Start using putty more

I'll keep mine short with only three. I could go on but I know I'd never keep them all. ;)

Jim Patrick
hello and a great new year to all. i just have two. 1,put BH's book down for a day.2, stop reading every thing i can about painting figures and paint one ! dave.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, so I generally try to avoid making new years resolutions, good promises, etc. ;)

But I am working on some Native American and Franco-Prussian war figures, and can only express my hope that I'll have some of them finished before the Antwerp show in march 2005. So far everything is on schedule ! :)
Paint more than one figure!

Be more attentive to reducing mold seams from figures.

Select only top-of-the-line figures to paint, even when I feel "out of practice" and don't want to risk ruining a good figure.

Paint my first mounted figure.

Delete this post in June so that no one can look at it in December and see how I've done.