Thanks a lot for your comments.
I have some difficulties with my camera, when I try to make such photos. It is a good camera, but for close-ups not optimal. I think, I must buy another one. So the photos are sometimes a little bit blurred (I hope it is the correct expression) and the colours (highlights and shades) are not so good to see.
I know, that I have my problems with highlighting and shading. And the glossy. I paint with oil since three month. Before that I use acrylics and there I haven´t a problem with the glossy. I use for the oil a little oven to dry the colours, but I think I must use flat coat, too.
My favorites are woodland-indians (specialy made from Alan Ball), vikings, samurais and figures from Jon Smith (WW I). So the next ones will be a samurai bust from pilipili and two french soldiers from Jon Smith
@ Guy Thanks for your hinds with the photos.