Pre-Registration for upcoming Atlanta Miniature Figure Society Show


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A Fixture
Dec 5, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Heads up to one and all planning to attend that modeling, painting extravaganza known as The Atlanta Miniature Figure Society Show which will take place on Friday, February 17th thru Sunday, February 19th, 2012.

If you want to get ahead of the crowd, be able to set up ahead of the overwhelming masses gathered in the hallway, be able to relax and kick back while others are standing in line...This bit of information is for you.

What to do….Pre-Registration
-Download the pre-registration form at
-Send fee of $15.00 in check or money order with the above form to Terry Martin's attention at the following address:
3220 Cooper Woods Drive
Loganville, GA 30052
-2-part forms will be mailed to you, you will fill them out to reflect your entries, turn the forms in at the Pre-Registration Desk when you arrive at the Show.
- I will not accept forms or send out paperwork as of February 1st, 2012. It must arrive by February 1st for me to get the information to you.
-When you get to the show, you will not have to stand in line; you turn in your forms and are able to set up your display after checking in. Pre-Registration begins at 6:30 PM EST. And will run through 7PM EST on Friday, February 17th.

Terry Martin-Pre-Registration Guy

Terry Martin
PH # 770 466-2635
[email protected](y)
Hi Folks,
The Pre-registration is a great way to avoid the "ol' filling out of forms and standing in line" thing that seems to happen at Shows. In place of trying to find a place to fill out those pesky forms....... pre-register and fill them out at home and at your leisure, then bring them to the Show, check in and set up your display. No fuss, no bother. Also, the early opening of the Show (at 6:30) for those who do pre-register will certainly make things even speedier and hopefully more efficient... The Pre-registration desk will be open at any time Registration is open. However, even with all of this there is still the possibility that you will have to stand in line for a bit, but it should be a much shorter and quicker process than otherwise...

When you receive your Pre-registration from Terry there should be the number of exhibit forms that you requested, but also, an EXHIBITOR Form that must also be filled out and turned in at the Show. Also, what I believe that Terry meant to say was that we will be unable to honor any Pre-registration requests submitted after February 1, 2012 because, as he notes we may not be able to get the packets out in time for them to be useable. Any requests received before that date will be posted as necessary in order for them to be effective.

We hope you take this opportunity to make your Registration at our annual Show as enjoyable and "painless" as posible.

Just a reminder. The Atlanta Military Figure Society Show is just around the corner. Feb 17-19th....We are still taking Pre-Registration forms. See our website for more details. Will accept Pre-Registration payment, info up to Feb 1st, 2012...So don't wait in the long line, beat the rush, and follow through on Pre-Registration.

Terry Martin
Pre-Registration Guy(y)
Cut Off Date for Atlanta Pre-Registration
The Cut off Date for Atlanta Pre-Registration is February 1st, 2012. I will not be accepting any Pre-Registration Forms, Money after that time. So there is time to submit your forms and avoid waiting in the long line...See and look under show info for pre-registratioin info. It appears down the page after The Exhibition and Competition.

All the Best, Terry Martin
AMFS Pre-Registration Guy:cool:(y)
Just a reminder, Atlanta's Pre-Registration for the upcoming Feb 17-19th Show is open thru end of January. You must have your pre-registration materials postmarked no later than Jan 31st. This will save you lots of time, as you go to the Pre-Registration Line at the Show and check in, turn in your two part forms, they should be filled out, I check you off list, and you go set up ahead of the crowd. It is as simple as that. See website under AMFS Show and Pre-Registration for the form to fill out when mailing in your check...Plus you save 5.00 off the Registration Fee...
A Big Thank You to Everyone who has Pre-Registered...This is going to be a great show. So Plan ahead...
Terry Martin
Pre-Registration Guy (y)