Presentation and a few minis


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Feb 18, 2006
Hi everyone !

As I'm new in this forum, I'll just say a few words to introduce myself. I'm 21, I'm a french painter who usually posts on the french website and my name is Mathieu
I discovered this website very recently so I decided to register to show you my last minis :)

Well enough said here are the pics!

First a Space wolf bust painted in december 2004:

Then a Man'o'War from Privateer Press

The bust sculpted by my friend Romain, a great french painter and sculptor ;)

Then some Dirz I've painted for a commission work


A great mini from Hasslefree, Tyriel

My favourite, Akanke, female nubian


Well that's it for the moment! If you have any criticism, comments or questions feel free to ask and I'll be pleased to answer :)

Beautiful work Mathieu and welcome to the planet. Nothing to critique with your painting.....excellent!!!

Thanks for posting and please post more of your work when you can.

Mathieu, WOW! very nice work. Are you painting in acrylics? Maybe you could do a painting demonstration on Planet figure sometime. :) ~Gary
Hi Mathieu

Welcome! I have seen all of your work before, but never together like this. I didn't realise it was you who had painted Romain's bust.

But I really like your paintings of the Hasslefree miniatures; I have some of their range, and for all those looking, these mninatures are very small, even for "minis".

What's clear is you are a very accomplished painter for one so young - more proof that there future is indeed bright for this hobby, in all it's forms. And there is a lot of talent in France these days - just looking at Ravage proves that!

I'm really inpressed at your skill with both real metallics and non-metallics!

Bonjour Mathieu, et bienvenu ! (y)

:eek: WOW! C'est clair que tu es vraiment un grand peintre, ... si tu aimerais partager tes techniques et nous expliquer un peu ta methode pour obtenir de tels resultats, je t'en prie ... je t'assure que tu auras toute notre attention ;)

Very well done, brilliant painting !
Thanks guys :)

No problem for sharing my tips and explaining my way of painting, I'll be very pleased if it could help some people!
I'm only using acrylic paints, mostly Games workshop and Vallejo ones. If you need some explanations on a particular point, or some color or mixture references just ask! I have written a tutorial on painting skin and one on NMM, just let me know if you want the links ;)
absolutely stunning work! I love the "glow" around the objects that represent lights. The flesh tones and translucent fabric on the nubian are also really nice! Where do I get my hands on one of those "Space Wolf" busts? Keep 'em comming, GREAT work!

Jay H.
Well for more of my work, I can show you a few WIP :)

Ghorghor Bey from Ilyad gaems. A huge mini, more than 10cm high!




Links for much bigger pics:

An ork, painted in a rather different color scheme.



and an extreme close-up:

And for my technique, well there's nothing very original, just acrylics and a lot of water ;)
The 2 tutorials, they're in french but if you need explanations just ask me for the translation

that's it!

edit: Sambaman> I bought this bust from Forge World, but I'm afraid they're no longer available...
Mathieu, I am awestruck, you're work is among some of the very best I have seen in the twenty + years I have been painting figures. I too paint exclusivly in Vallejo and Citidel so I would love to hear more about your techniques (My french is minimal :( )
AWESOME STUFF, Mathieu (y) (y) !!! Thanks for posting your work for our enjoyment. I especially curious on how you did the translucent effect on the Nubian's pants. Can you share the technique involved ? An English translation of your painting articles would also be most welcome. Thanks in advance and WELCOME to the "planet" :lol: !! Cheers !
Your metal work is fantastic! Any insight into how you achieve the nice smooth and weathered metal finishes would be most appreciated!

I'm going to keep my eyes out for one of those busts. I might get lucky and see one on eBay or something! Thanks again,

Jay H.
I am compelled to join the chorus of praise for your painting skills; especially I single out the exquisite Nubian. This is among the finest artwork I have seen in over 30 years of miniature painting and observation. Congratulations and welcome.
Thanks everyone :) nice to see you enjoyed those minis! In the future I'm going to write a tutorial on metallics (while I paint my ork) and one on translucent effect with a red dress. I'll post them here as well, and I'll try to translate them in english as well for Planet Figure ;)

For the metallics it's quite simple:

Base with boltgun metal
Shadows: 1- blue ink + black ink + yellow ink 33/33/33, so that you get a kind of green mixture, it's the first shadow so you don't need anything too deep.
2- the rust: Graveyard earth GW + bestial brown GW + a bit of black
3- a darker rust adding a bit of dark flesh + black, and you finish the deepest shadows with black ink + dark flesh 80/20

Highlights: add mithril silver GW to the base coat, then Vallejo Model Air for Airbrush Steel Metallic, which is a very bright color usually used for airbrushes. You can finish with some sparkles of enamel paint, humbrol met 11.

(GW: Games workshop)

Well it'll be much clearer with the step by step tutorial with pics to show each step ;)