Review Prince Potemkin from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Legion Miniatures have been busy in a difficult year for everyone so I thought I would share a addition to their "The Greatest Men" series announced earlier this year here:

lmbt 120 prince Grigory Potemkin-Tavrichwsky.jpg

....details are below

Title: Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkim-Tavrichesky

Reference: LMBT 120

Scale: 1/10th

No of Pieces: 4

Material: Light Gray Resin

Sculptor: A Bodunov

Casting: In House

Box Art: None on review boxtop

The prince certainly let a colourful life , and a very active one , he was a lover of Catherine the Great , a statesman , diplomat, soldier, born in 1739 and dying in 1791 being buried at St Catherine's Cathedral

image (4).jpeg

potemkin-grigory-image.jpgolder Potemkin.jpg
Potemkin and Catherine.jpg

As with all of the Legion releases the contents are held in a laser cut wooden box.....useful for keeping those modelling bits in after you have used the resin, this itself is held in bags and between foam layers

Text on the box is in Russsian , be a idea to also have it in English


Parts consist of the Torso, head, and 2 parts to make the base up



With few parts this was not expected to be too difficult and it was just that .....a casting post to remove from the lower neck area and the lower torso and remove the casting line underneath the bust and a fine line on the lower part of the hair above and below the bow.

The base pieces each has excess resin posts to remove and then fit these together on the could do as I will sand the underside of the torso off fully and drill a 5 or 6mm hold to fit a brass rod


Continued in next post

Lets look at the resin


A quick look around reveals sharp casting and detailed and crisp definition , our prince wears a highly decorated coat with lacing on the edges , each leaf is well shaped and there are no miscasting on any , on his left edge 3 nicely worked button holes and of course we have the awards he was given ...all clearly done
Hanging from the neck on a ribbon the order of St George medal, the ribbon hangs naturally from the neck and under a lace ruff, the medal is well shaped again

The lace ruff is a nice bit of work suitable pierced all over for the effect , around the neck itself is the scarf , good folds and creases

Across the right shoulder a sash with another being worn under the coat itself , both have good undercuts and look right in positioning

Oak leaves are seen at the shoulders and around the drop collar the shaping of these continue to be high standard, the collar itself fits well onto the shoulder

The neck area has a good well formed cutout to take the head






Note: For painting the first picture I put in is the one to look at


Has the sculptor succeeded ...Yes he has .....not only using pictures available , but also a wax image of the prince , I think he has got him slightly older looking but the likeness is very good indeed

The facial features and the side profile are well shown with the eyes having easy access for painting

He has a styled hair , pulled back into a pony tail at the rear and held in place by a large bow, good surface work on the hair and on the side curls

My suggestion is you dry fit and then paint the head separately





Consisting of 2 parts , easy to put together , your choice to use or replace with a brass rod or similar




Final Thoughts

A nice choice and as usual the sculptor has done himself and the subject credit, detailed on all areas , with quality casting , very striking when painted , a good addition to the series, No doubt it will also give you a lot of happy modelling

I hope you have enjoyed looking at this release with me :)


Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )

13002.jpg you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item and to you all for looking in

Happy benchtime


A great man indeed. Lover and generalissimo of Catherine the Great, Potyomkin (note the correct spelling!) was one of the architects of modern Russia.
Very good!

I can even still read Russian ( learnt that at least at RMA Sandhurst in 1955!) Only phrase I remember would have been no good had I been taken prisoner in the WW3 in 1983 in West Germany! Read about is in the Official History! Good for reading tank IDs.