Hi, all!
Does anyone have any references or illustrations of what the Prussian chaplains, the Feldprediger, wore prior to 1910 and the implementation of the field gray uniform. I've got or can find enough images of chaplains in field gray, especially in the Great War. And I've get references for what they wore in Frederick the Great's army (eg, Bleckwenn, Knötel, Menzel). But I can't find anything for the period from the debacle in 1806 up through 1910.
I'm particularly interested in the uniforms in the Imperial army, from the unification up to 1910.
I have Paul Pietsch's 2-volume set, and it doesn't cover Feldprediger. Neither does my cigarette card album, "Uniformen der Alten Armee".
Did they continue to wear a version of civilian pastors' dress, for example, in black, in all that time?
By the 1880s, had they been given the frock coat but in black, or in Prussian blue?
If anyone has any images, please post them. Maybe we can add a post in the Uniform subforum then, too.
Thanks in advance, prosit!