Review Prussian Hussar from SOGA MINIATURES


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon

In this "open box" review I will be looking at another piece of teamwork from both Soga Miniatures and Chronos 3D

The master was first shown here by Dmitri Baev ( PF Member)

The actual release was announced here , also by Dmitri
Depicting a dashing hussar from the napoleonic prussian army​

Details of the release

Title: Prussian Hussar 1808-1815 year

Reference: 5436

Scale: 54mm

Material: Gray resin

No of Pieces: 20 for rider, 4 for horse plus lead strip to cut for the reins

Casting: In House

Sculptor: Dmitri Shishkov

3D Sculptor: Oleg Derbasov

Horse: 3D Chronos

Box art: Dmitri Baev

Again this is again a collaboration between Soga and Chronos with the same 3D sculptor specialising in the weapons , a classy act as we saw in the other review​

The resin is held securely in a good cardboard box which keeps everything secure and with minimal movement as the smaller pieces are also held in resealable bags on a piece of card as well

Please open the bags carefully as there are delicate and small in scale pieces in particular the buckles and horses bit pieces

On the box top a full colour of the painted piece ,more are available from the website as well

There is no mention of the actual company name on the box which again I feel would be a good idea for future releases

As we we expect references are always available here are a few you might find of use​


Above is the 3D work on the carbine​
1811 saber.jpg
Above the cavalry sword​
Books again are available​
ppbook.jpgp book.jpg5731_455.jpgb.jpg

Continued in next post

Let us charge forward with the rider


Prep: Remove from the former and tiny bit of flashing and casting line on the left side to take away

The upper body is sculpted with the figure wearing the finely laced dolman , both the lace and the buttons are all showing no errors, there is a blanket/coat running across the body ( often seen as a protection against sword cuts ) , fitting snuggly to the actual body with the ends shaped to represent the rolled item

Around the waist the barrel sash , nicely defined sections , its good to see the work on this at the back as ell

Worn across the left shoulder the pouchbelt and the carbine belt , of note is the tiny hole to fit the swivel into , the actual belts are well cast and not out of scale in thickness , the pouch itself is the right shaping with the securing straps on the underside

The collar is high witha piping edging , showing no miscasts , the neck area is ready to receive tio actual head



Prep: Remove from former , remove any flashing excess on inside of legs and dry fit and secure to torso upper , some slight filler might be required but minimal

These are in the position with legs astride his mount , the trousers are worn buttoned up the centre side , good shaping with no miscasts , the lower of the trouser have a leather protection, which also runs up the inside of the legs

Boots are worn underneath with the spurs being sculpted in place

At the waist the swordbelt with cords and tassels that join to the torso sash accurately



Prep: Remove from formers and fit , filler needed at join but again minimal

The left is in the riding position to hold the reins , bent at 45 degrees , folds are natural at the bent elbow , the hand is sculpted and cast well , good fingerwork with the inside of the hand open ready to take the reins ...nice idea , at the cuff we see the trefoil lacework , good shaping , the inside of the arm is shaped to fit nicely to the body when in place

The right arm is cast without the hand ( this being on the sword ) , again good folds and not overworked , cuffs are well shaped with the piping again

Both elbows have a diamond piece of cloth/leather sculpted into place



Prep: Remove from former and fit to neck area , slight sanding on neck underside

This is a good piece of sculpting well styled and with strengthening bands at sides and top/base , on the front the rosette with retaining cords , above the prussian oval disc

The face is with a moustache and a good mass of hair at the back of the head , blousing out nicely with the wearing of the shako , details on the head include a cast on strap with accessible eyes for painting despite the cast on peak



Prep: ...Simply remove them from the formers ...very carefully they are fine pieces of 3D work and quite delicate

Fit is easy and should present no issues

The sword is cast with the right hand gripping the handle , the hand protector is cast nicely with the sword knot flying about with the movement , the work on the blade itself is very good ...its almost got a edge on it ( yes I did run my fingers up and down !!!!)

The scabbard itself is cast with the straps which obviously you will need to fit carefully into place


The carbine is a work of art , extremely detailed so a big well done to Oleg and to the casting , of particular note is the swivel attachment and the trigger guard , very well formed

You will need to fit the swivel itself first very careful ...that carpet monster looms



These parts that you need to be very careful of ...they are tiny and finely done , you will need to fit buckles etc into place

Note in picture there shows only 1 side of the horse bit .....I found the other on the floor ....later

The swivel is designed to fit onto the carbine run and then to the hole on the belt underside

Stirrups are cast with the straps on , slight flashing , but simple to remove , the actual boots fitting well into the stirrups

The sabretache is the right shaping again with the monogram on the front facing , well defined


Prep: Remove from former it shares with the head and fit

The small elongated pouch worn behind the rider , that held various items , a good full shaping with straps and buckles all in place , the edging on the ends pieces has the crossed


Continued in next post

On now to the horse

As I mentioned earlier Soga Miniatures are working along with Chronos by using their horses , these are produced using 3D techniques

AGAIN the result is in my opinion a credit to the 3D work , lovely muscle tones and definition

Prep: Remove form formers and fit together , slight sanding is required on casting lines running up centre of each leg and on the underside ...not too much trouble to deal with

Good location points on the pieces as you see in the pictures ( click on for larger image if needed )

Consisting of 4 pieces ...2 body halves , head and tail

Horseshoes are all in place which is good to see , also all the horse bodily items are evident at the lower underside...clearly another stallion !

The head is looking forward with mouth closed , not gasping yet in full charge mode as with previous review accurate muscle tone and harness work , the ears are proud and alert , small amount of putty will be needed at the join

The mane sits onto the neck on the right this time and is well textured , the same goes for the tail which is moving about with the horse movement

The saddle is under a well textured sheepskin with the rear pommel peeking out , the sheepskin has a good edging well defined at the edges with a feed bag hanging on each side as in the cuirassier , at the front the ends of the pistol holsters show







A substantial piece of textured groundwork , oblong in shape with 2 location points for the horse ( I would suggest most will pin as well )


Final thoughts

A good addition to the range available from SOGA , and I hope the teamwork with Chronos continue , their horses work well and are accurate in all areas the riders they compliment each other well and don't forget the model can be painted to represent any regt apart from the guard

Congratulations to Oleg for the work on the weapons ...little gems :woot:

RECOMMENDED you visit the site ( there is a english translator at the top which is good to see ) and bookmark Soga will be worth it :)

Thank you to Dmitri @ Soga Miniatures for the review piece(y) I will be looking at others and not just cavalry so stay tuned

For more information and to order go to their website via this link :

Or contact Dmitri here on PF

Thanks to all for looking in

Happy benchtime
