Well-Known Member
Couple'o weeks ago I was writing about new stuff to be published here and so here are some, first the "italian" Panther from Anzio-Nettuno - revisited. I decided to redo the suspension, I disassembled the wheels added a set of friuls to add a much more realistic touch, here these are dryfitted.
Along with the Panther I made a effort to finish a oldie, Shanghai Dragon JS 2m, a very old kit that needed much attention (i.e. the hull was 2mm to shallow, this needed fixing immediately). Friuls were added, a must for this type of model, armorscale barrel, grills and some scratchbuilding. The model will be representing a tank from one of the Heavy Tank Brigades taking part in Berlin operations, Seelow Hights battle to be precise. More to follow.
