I like the figure very much, a real convincing paint job. But I am not too happy with the Fokker triplane's color scheme. Andrea got it simply wrong, they used infos from the early 1960's when the german researcher Nowarra declared some photos of the Triplane's prototypes as "Richthofen's personal aircraft". Therefore the myth of a light painted cowling, white wheels and a pale blue underside started.
Nothing is farer from the historical facts. The Jasta 11 scheme was a red cowling, red wheels and red struts. The rest of the a/c where left in Fokker standard camouflage and some personal signs of the pilot where added. In the early phase these where different coloured tailplanes. Manfred had a red tailplane, Lothar a yellow on, Lt Allmenroeder white etc etc. Only two of several triplanes of Manfred where painted completely in red during his lifetime, a third one war re-done in red overall when it was sent to the Berlin Zeughaus for exhibition. The Triplane in which he died was Fok Dr I 425/17 (military registration), and this a/c was complete red over all, incl. Cowling, wheels, undersides etc.
Javier, I suspect you used the kit decals for the side numerals. Decals on matt surface always get a "silver" effect due to tiny airbubbles between the matt paint and the clear decal carrier film. This can be avoided when decals are placed on a glossy/near glossy surface. A clear matt laquer over all will solve the problem if gloss is not wished.
Anyway: A good model!