Tamas Enyedi
PlanetFigure Supporter
Dear 'Planeters,
Almost 6 monts ago I posted my first article here regarding my startup: 54mm figures from Hungarian history... Then I got several positive words - so the story continues.
Let me share few pictures about my new figures - they are already primed only, mostly hand-scluped by 'Master Dan; and the new Xth. century figures scluped by 3D by Hory MiniArt.
If you are interested in, you can see them in 'live at Malta.
If you would have question, feel free to drop me a line via FB=messenger or by mail: [email protected] ;-) [COLOR=var(--blue-link)]https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091742899489[/COLOR]
////I'm still not expert in photo-creation :-D ////

Almost 6 monts ago I posted my first article here regarding my startup: 54mm figures from Hungarian history... Then I got several positive words - so the story continues.
Let me share few pictures about my new figures - they are already primed only, mostly hand-scluped by 'Master Dan; and the new Xth. century figures scluped by 3D by Hory MiniArt.
If you are interested in, you can see them in 'live at Malta.
If you would have question, feel free to drop me a line via FB=messenger or by mail: [email protected] ;-) [COLOR=var(--blue-link)]https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091742899489[/COLOR]
////I'm still not expert in photo-creation :-D ////