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A Fixture
Mar 15, 2012
London, UK
Just had my application to join the forum turned down on the grounds I did not meet the "membership requirements" o_O

Since I'm sure it couldn't be that I need to be of non-limey persuasion (could it?), I have to assume the NSA's reach is greater than I first thought - or the HUAC maybe.

Unfortunately I don't think there are that many of us Brits into garagekits, there are no equivalent UK sites I know about

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Here is possibly your answer! ... what a silly process ????


Don't worry, I got rejected as well, I registered, they sent an confirmation email to confirm my registration, then I got another email a while later with the rejection in it. I was guessing it was because of my email address which is my business address (don't have another one and cant have an Gmail or Hotmail address either!!!!)
Oh Well, I guess its only my Planetfigure cohorts that will ever see my work.
Groucho's point of view on many of life's tribulations, this one included, was spot on! Would have liked to buy that guy an adult beverage in some quiet dive and pick his brain a little.

Actually, Groucho, Chico or maybe - at a stretch - Harpo, not the other one. And a few more famous folk...naw let's don't get into that on a modeling forum web site.

All the best,