- Joined
- Jan 10, 2012
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- 7
Hey Jungle!
Some weeks back I was teaching Christian for a two day private coaching to help him on his painting journey. After Christian wrote me what he wants to learn in these two days I decided to tackle "atmospheric painting" and a "happy painting flow" mainly with Christian.
We both were amazed by the outcome after two days.
Imagine, we started painting on the miniature in late afternoon on the first day. Before we had tons of theory lessons about light, shadow, advanced color mixing and understanding what atmosphere means and how you can include this in a healthy painting flow/process.
This is what Christian said about these two days:
"You picked me up at the door I've been waiting in front of for quite a while in my hobby journey and accompanied me through it. Your availability at all times, the challenging work suggestions and also the exercises in front have encouraged me to really do my best and to work in a concentrated manner.
Every time the pressure increased for me to go faster, you calmed my painting flow and made sure that I first think about the next steps.I will have to do the latter for quite a while now via private coaching. In my head there is already no way back through the door, the world and the perception of its atmosphere has changed fundamentally for me thanks to you.Not to mention my motivation and inspiration to paint miniatures: it's going through the roof like our coffee consumption in the two days
- Christian
In german:
"Du hast mich an der Tür abgeholt, vor der ich jetzt schon eine ganze Zeit in meiner Hobbyreise gewartet habe und mich hindurch begleitet. Deine allzeitige Verfügbarkeit, die fordernden Arbeitsvorschläge und auch die Übungen vorneweg haben mich angespornt wirklich mein Bestes zu geben und konzentriert zu arbeiten. Jedes Mal wenn für mich der Druck stieg schneller zu werden, hast du wieder Ruhe in meinen Malfluss gebracht und dafür gesorgt, dass ich erst mal über die nächste Schritte nachdenke.
Letzteres werde ich jetzt noch eine ganze Weile über das Private Coaching müssen. In meinem Kopf gibt es jetzt schon keinen Weg mehr zurück durch die Tür, die Welt und die Wahrnehmung ihrer Atmosphäre hat sich für mich dank dir grundlegend verändert.
Ganz zu Schweigen von meiner Motivation und Inspiration Miniaturen zu bemalen: die geht jetzt wie unser Kaffeekonsum in den zwei Tagen steil durch die Decke
- Christian
Thank you, Christian!
Thank you for your will to learn from me and coming down to south Bavaria!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,
Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until 2023. Unfortanetely I can not plan new dates yet, as I plan to see group workshops return in full force in 2023. More plans will be available in late autumn 2022. Until then: If you are interested in updates on workshop news, sign up for my newsletter:
Roman Lappat - Workshop Newsletter
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Some weeks back I was teaching Christian for a two day private coaching to help him on his painting journey. After Christian wrote me what he wants to learn in these two days I decided to tackle "atmospheric painting" and a "happy painting flow" mainly with Christian.

We both were amazed by the outcome after two days.
Imagine, we started painting on the miniature in late afternoon on the first day. Before we had tons of theory lessons about light, shadow, advanced color mixing and understanding what atmosphere means and how you can include this in a healthy painting flow/process.

This is what Christian said about these two days:
"You picked me up at the door I've been waiting in front of for quite a while in my hobby journey and accompanied me through it. Your availability at all times, the challenging work suggestions and also the exercises in front have encouraged me to really do my best and to work in a concentrated manner.
Every time the pressure increased for me to go faster, you calmed my painting flow and made sure that I first think about the next steps.I will have to do the latter for quite a while now via private coaching. In my head there is already no way back through the door, the world and the perception of its atmosphere has changed fundamentally for me thanks to you.Not to mention my motivation and inspiration to paint miniatures: it's going through the roof like our coffee consumption in the two days

- Christian

In german:
"Du hast mich an der Tür abgeholt, vor der ich jetzt schon eine ganze Zeit in meiner Hobbyreise gewartet habe und mich hindurch begleitet. Deine allzeitige Verfügbarkeit, die fordernden Arbeitsvorschläge und auch die Übungen vorneweg haben mich angespornt wirklich mein Bestes zu geben und konzentriert zu arbeiten. Jedes Mal wenn für mich der Druck stieg schneller zu werden, hast du wieder Ruhe in meinen Malfluss gebracht und dafür gesorgt, dass ich erst mal über die nächste Schritte nachdenke.
Letzteres werde ich jetzt noch eine ganze Weile über das Private Coaching müssen. In meinem Kopf gibt es jetzt schon keinen Weg mehr zurück durch die Tür, die Welt und die Wahrnehmung ihrer Atmosphäre hat sich für mich dank dir grundlegend verändert.
Ganz zu Schweigen von meiner Motivation und Inspiration Miniaturen zu bemalen: die geht jetzt wie unser Kaffeekonsum in den zwei Tagen steil durch die Decke

- Christian

Thank you, Christian!
Thank you for your will to learn from me and coming down to south Bavaria!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,
Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until 2023. Unfortanetely I can not plan new dates yet, as I plan to see group workshops return in full force in 2023. More plans will be available in late autumn 2022. Until then: If you are interested in updates on workshop news, sign up for my newsletter:
Roman Lappat - Workshop Newsletter
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